| LIFE My COVID Experience

It Takes Eleven

Quoth the Raven...
I thought I'd branch off the general COVID thread - it's gotten a little far afield - and give my personal perspective of COVID in my immediate family. My wife and I have three adult sons - 32, 29 and 22.

My middle son is a musician who travels with a country band over a fair portion of the country. He got back from a ten day gig in Key West in mid-March with symptoms. He quarantined in the basement at the lake for twenty days, 17 days with fever, and there were several days he just went from bed to couch, completely wrung out. He's fine now.

My oldest son runs a FedEx Ground sort facility in MS. He picked it up about two and a half weeks ago, still dealing with fever, chills and weakness, but he's soldiering through it and working from home.

I started having symptoms overnight the Tuesday night following the NC game. I'd characterize it as a bad case of the flu, with aches, pains, fever, chills. I could check off most of the symptoms. I had one beer left over (a Sweetwater IPA) from game night, and this past Saturday I felt good enough to drink it. That was the moment I realized I'd lost most of my sense of taste. The beer had no flavor, just a bitter aftertaste. It probably tasted the way all Ohio State fans tasted their beer on game night. Positive tests for both me and my wife, she's achy and tired but having fewer symptoms than me. I've got another three days of quarantine assuming my fever doesn't recur, wife stays put through next Wednesday. Thankfully, we've had no serious respiratory issues, and we're grateful that none of us have any preexisting conditions that would place us at greater risk. Taste is probably halfway back, smell is lagging.

Over the last ten months, I've followed protocols where/when they've existed, but I have traveled everywhere. Trips to see grandkids, four ball games, beach trips, a multi-day backpacking trip, and numerous, numerous shopping/dining trips. With the vaccine on the horizon, I'd reached the point where I thought I might skate on this, but it wasn't to be. I made it a point to choose the freedom of movement over the safety of isolation. I'd do it again.

Youngest son is the only one who hasn't caught it yet. Safe, healthy wishes for all.


Glad you and the family are doing better... the taste thing would drive me nuts. I went about 5 days several years ago with altered taste (everything tasted horrible and bitter) thanks to a side effect of 1 Lunesta (sleep med) pill.

It is still weird to me how this virus brings some to their knees, other it is like the flu, and then many have mild or no symptoms at all. I know folks who have died from it and folks who didn't even know they had it until a mandatory test said so. I'm absolutely shocked that I haven't gotten it as of yet (that I'm aware of). Like you, I follow posted/proper protocols, but I'm out and about often, not letting the virus really alter what I do if I can help it. The wife has had both rounds of the Pfizer vaccine, so that chances of her bringing it into the house now are slim. But, I figure my luck will run out eventually. Until then, gonna live my life...
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