Movie soundtracks


Anyone hear a good movie soundtrack lately? Or have some they like in general?

I watched "Little Miss Sunshine" (the 2006 film) the other day and I nabbed the soundtrack, it's really good, it's by DeVotchKa. At times it has a sort of spaghetti western sound to it.
one of my favorites from one of my fishing buddies Johnny Lee but it was a long long time ago



Man of Steel has probably the best one yet IMO. Very majestic at points and really captures the actions of the movie.
my favorite has to be the soundtrack to star wars: a new hope. it's my favorite movie so the soundtrack is also my favorite. i have the special edition soundtracks to the first 3 movies (episodes 4,5 and 6), but the first one (4) is my favorite.
American Graffiti just look how many future stars that was in it.

Really am drawn more to simple mellow piano soundtracks than anything else. Not that I don't like listening to say someone like John Williams, but this fits my style more.

Social Network really has a good one that I like.

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My kids really like the "Froze" soundtrack.
And if we're talking horror?

The best: "Symphony No.3 Passacaglia - Allegro Moderato" by Krzysztof Penderecki for the intro in SHUTTER ISLAND.

Italy's Claudio Simonetti and Goblin are epitome of Euro horror rhythms.

The Exorcist.

Jerry Goldsmith's classic re-invention of "Ave Satani" from The Omen (1976)
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