| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Movie-Actor Game

No it official name is "The Empire Strikes Back", I can't help if someone want to make more money off these old movies. I rise you one :p :p

The Roman numerals were always a part of the titles! They had Episodes IV-VI set up long before the I-III came out. I remember being really confused as a kid why there were IV through VI and no I-III. But it's always been Episodes IV-VI. The original was initially marketed as just "Star Wars", but the opening titles listed it as "Episode IV". And they followed suit with each successive film.


I am a big Star Wars geek, don't judge me!!! :dance:
Leo has already been use because someone talk about the The Great Gatsby.

It doesn't matter that he has been used before as long as he is not used too often. It is hard to keep up with every page, so it is hard to know who all has been used and what movies were mentioned.
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