| OT LeBron James' 'Uninterrupted' issues letter to Alabama over copyright infringement on Bama Cuts videos (UPDATE: CNS response)

That wasn't necessarily a question to you, more of a point of why change does not progress, so I pointed to the statement you were making about more brawn than brains, and how that has not brought about anything good. Personally, I don't care how you feel or anyone else in the world on any matter, because as long as I'm happy with myself I don't need to know your personal preferences or anyone else's. I'll just take note on your stance and if I feel the need to converse I will reach out like I have been. I admire your willingness to carry on conversations with me, because you and I have spoken about a lot lately and we always come to a partial agreement or agree to disagree some, which is ok, but it never gets personal or high tension like so many other issues that we see causing problems on TV. It's a perfect example of disagreeing, but being civil towards one another. This is a major issue in our country and the world today, so many people are worried about everyone else's business and they cannot take care of their own issues, because they worry too much about someone else.

I have a couple of things to say about the "give you something to do with your time". Make yourself a better human being. Too many people are worried about pointing the finger and making someone else out to look bad, that their own lives fail and are miserable. Look at our president and the media. They've resulted to news the last number of months about a freaking porn star. They're not worried about Flint, Michigan STILL having dirty water, they're more worried about the fucking president and a porn star, which has no bearing on anything in this country, at, all. Quit trying to be on the front line of an angry mob that tries force and destruction and work on yourself and being a positive role model in your community and let the change sprout from there. One last thing, get a freaking job and pay off your debts if you have that much time to protest. America is in more debt than ever, and instead of working to pay it off they would rather default, allow others to pay for it, and whine about the unfair hand they were dealt. Not lumping 100% of those activists together in this comment, but let's just say most of them fall into the category I speak of. Maybe I'm just jealous that I wish I had that much free time on my hands to whine and cry all the time though.

I like that. Disagree without being too disagreeable. I wasn't answering that because you put it out there directly. I got your point. When you get to talking about stuff that gets emotional with some, it's good sometimes to keep qualifying myself as an individual from what I'm saying about others and their issues. It was just preventive writing. :)

I get your frustration about government and the way folks do business. Wish I could say it's gonna change but we've been staring at this mess for a while now. I'm afraid it's gonna take a lot more of people's better qualities than their superior intellect. Doesn't sound promising.
And here's where I have an issue with LeBron. It's my perception he tries to come across as being a very self-aware individual when he's the complete opposite.

In this case he had a racial slur painted on the gates of the privacy fence around his mansion. He took the opportunity to make a comparison to a mother of a child who had been lynched. A 14 year old kid who had been kidnapped and beaten to death because a white lady was offended he was in her grocery store (mid-50's, Mississippi.) It was one of the driving incidents behind the civil right movement.

I'm tempted to use the term "I'm sorry" to start this next sentence. Actually, I find it pretty sad. When is a bit of graffiti even close to being the same thing as a kid getting lynched?

He was trying to make a statement about race relations. I get that. But, to put himself and that incident on the same plane as Till?!?! Give me a freakin' break! His intelligence is on display by the reference to Dill. It's a lack of self-awareness to compare the two incidents...when he was asleep in him multi-million dollar mansion while someone is spray-painting on his gate.

I mean, I get where you're coming from. When he originally said it, I didn't think much about it because I didn't take it take that as he was attempting to compare what happened to him to being lynched. I get what you're saying and why you would see it that way and Lebron honestly comes off very, very tone deaf at times. But at the same time I have no issue with athletes or celebrities taking about social or political topics, unlike so many people seem to (primarily when those athletes/celebrities dont espouse the same beliefs as those complaining about it).
I didn't even know he had a show. I've never seen it listed on TV Guide listings.
Wait... Lebron has a show where he talks while sitting at a barber shop?
I guess we should have been watching more ESPN to know this? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The one attorney I brought this up to yesterday said he thought it was asinine. I'm left wondering if it was bad advice from his PR/legal team or if it was a calculated move to get more exposure for his web series.

Outside of First Take going on in the background most mornings and live games, ESPN 30 for 30 is about all I watch on ESPN (or any sports network). Youtube and Facebook pretty much have all the highlights you want to see without sitting through the annoying Sportscenter anchors.
I don't post much anymore but I feel compelled to say this

I think the "lawsuit" over this issue is asinine. I also thought it was asinine a few years back when UA sent a cease and desist letter to the bakery using the script A on cupcakes. Both are/were done to protect some form of copyright but I still think they are asinine.

I don't get the LBJ dislike/distaste or even hatred. I really admire the guy because he came straight from high school (a time period where I was spending all my money on foolishness and only luckily didn't go to jail) and instantly began making millions. He has been under a microscope since he was in Jr High literally. I can guarantee you if I had a camera or microphone in my face from the time I was 16 to the time I was 33 folks would have a lot more reasons to dislike me than Lebron. He is extremely talented. His personality is very different than MJ or TW (2 athletes mentioned multiple times in this thread) but his missteps have been way smaller in my opinion than either of these. Both of whom I love to watch play but don't really admire anymore.

As far as the activism I really don't care about any individual activism for the most part. My opinion is that this country has become two sides of a hypocritical theater. Each side of the aisle trying to shout down and out asshole or tattle on the other side on social media. Damn few folks standing in the aisle calling for rationality. Again JMO
"There's been at least 20 barbershop-type things I've seen on TV. I didn't know anybody owned that. I didn't know he had one. I'm sorry that anybody could offended by something that we were just having fun with. I enjoyed it. And we're going to continue to do it."

I love that Saban's response was pretty much "too bad."
But at the same time I have no issue with athletes or celebrities taking about social or political topics, unlike so many people seem to (primarily when those athletes/celebrities dont espouse the same beliefs as those complaining about it).
Today, the most vocal groups don't always mean they're the majority.
LeBron James is not happy with Alabama football's "Shop Talk."

LeBron James isn't letting this barbershop squabble go with Alabama.

A few hours after Nick Saban said the Crimson Tide's "Shop Talk" web series wouldn't bow to pressure from the NBA star's copyright infringement claim, James answered back. Speaking with reporters after the Cleveland Cavs' 112-106 win over Toronto, James was asked about Saban saying Alabama's show would go on despite a letter from James' legal team.

"That's exactly what I would think he would say," James told reporters Tuesday night. "But I built UNINTERRUPTED for a reason, for us athletes to have a platform to be able to speak your mind about whatever we want to talk about."

James is a few episodes into "The Shop," a series similar to Alabama's "Shop Talk." Athletes have casual conversations in barbershops with the camera as a fly on the wall recording the banter. Alabama's first episode premiered last Wednesday with Julio Jones, Eddie Jackson and Ryan Anderson joined by Nick Saban in the new barbershop built in Alabama's football complex.

Not cool, says James.

"I respect him as a coach," James said Tuesday night, "but I'll be damned if I allow someone to use our platform or try to do the same thing we're doing and just think it's OK.

"The lawyers will figure it out."

Saban was asked about the letter sent last week that claimed Alabama's show infringed on the trademark and copyright of James' show. The coach said he respected James.

"There's been at least 20 barbershop-type things I've seen on TV," Saban said. "I didn't know anybody owned that. I didn't know he had one. I'm sorry that anybody could offended by something that we were just having fun with. I enjoyed it. And we're going to continue to do it."

The next episode of Alabama's "Shop Talk" is scheduled for release Wednesday.

Michael Casagrande | mcasagrande@al.com
LeBron James responds to Nick Saban, says lawyers will handle dispute
But at the same time I have no issue with athletes or celebrities taking about social or political topics, unlike so many people seem to (primarily when those athletes/celebrities dont espouse the same beliefs as those complaining about it).
Today, the most vocal groups don't always mean they're the majority.
I see what you did there......just because they own the microphone doesn't mean people actually listen
Saban told 'Bron, "come back at me when you have 6 rings...". He then tore the mic from the podium, dropped it, and walked back to his office.

On a side note that got mentioned here, there's three groups I never give any weight or consideration to when talking politics and world affairs: felons, athletes, and all other "celebrities". Period. Hell, there aren't many folks I listen to when they ramble about politics, but these three groups make me tune it out immediately.
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