| OT LeBron James' 'Uninterrupted' issues letter to Alabama over copyright infringement on Bama Cuts videos (UPDATE: CNS response)

just one more reason to not like that whiny, little bitch.

he's like the kid who doesn't want anyone else playing with his toys; even when he's not playing with them.

what the hell makes him think no one else can have a show, situated in a barber shop, talking about....things? does he have a monopoly on that whole premise? his show may be copyrighted, but that doesn't mean no one else can have a show set in a barber shop with people talking. by that premise, there can only be one news show, or only one sports show, or only one weather show, or only one show about cops, or only one show about ANYTHING ELSE EVER.

just a sad little boy who's crying that some one else is taking some of his lemonade money.
LeBron again sticking his head off the basketball court where he most likely would get schooled by Alabama's lawyers if it ever went that far. The guy simply believes he owns everything as if he's one of the great minds of the 21st century. Another reason I cannot stand his pompass ass. Like others have mentioned, do the writers of Barbershop have a gripe with Bron Bron, or does LeBron own the rights to that too?
I've a few opinions on LeBron I'm just going to leave where they are right now...

...two thoughts though. One, I didn't even know he had a show. I've never seen it listed on TV Guide listings. And two, if you look at the news feeds here you'll see it being covered by a half of a dozen or so outlets--ones we created here. It makes me wonder what the traffic is like this morning on "Bama Cuts." They are literally feeding the beast this morning.
LeBron sure brings the emotions out. For such an affable person he sure seems like a polarizing figure. Years ago I thought it was his decision to leave for Miami and folks just didn't like his ESPN show. Today, I think it's more his outspokenness on issues that get under some folks skin. That and his success financially. Of course, blowing passed MJ's record probably isn't helping either.
LeBron sure brings the emotions out. For such an affable person he sure seems like a polarizing figure. Years ago I thought it was his decision to leave for Miami and folks just didn't like his ESPN show. Today, I think it's more his outspokenness on issues that get under some folks skin. That and his success financially. Of course, blowing passed MJ's record probably isn't helping either.

In all honesty, why would his money make anyone mad, and how can you use that as a reason for our outspokeness about him here?

Folks can't stand him because he's an egomaniac. Just watch him on the court whine and cry when he doesn't get a call he wanted or one he doesn't like. He's the worst offender for how he treats the refs. He wants to be in the public spotlight and always make it about him, then get used to being scorched by folks. It goes for all people, not just him, so I wouldn't necesssarily act like he gets treated any different than any one of us if we acted that same exact way. He's clearly trying to find ways to beat out Michael Jordan for the greatest ever by doing anything and everything to build his resume. He's a lot like ESPN actually, so big he makes loads of money, makes a lot of stupid decisions and comments, but it so polarizing because of it that the pathetic media can't not report it. Politics are huge right nkw as the country is divided in so many ways, and him diving into that just shows he just wants face time.
In all honesty, why would his money make anyone mad, and how can you use that as a reason for our outspokeness about him here?

Folks can't stand him because he's an egomaniac. Just watch him on the court whine and cry when he doesn't get a call he wanted or one he doesn't like. He's the worst offender for how he treats the refs. He wants to be in the public spotlight and always make it about him, then get used to being scorched by folks. It goes for all people, not just him, so I wouldn't necesssarily act like he gets treated any different than any one of us if we acted that same exact way. He's clearly trying to find ways to beat out Michael Jordan for the greatest ever by doing anything and everything to build his resume. He's a lot like ESPN actually, so big he makes loads of money, makes a lot of stupid decisions and comments, but it so polarizing because of it that the pathetic media can't not report it. Politics are huge right nkw as the country is divided in so many ways, and him diving into that just shows he just wants face time.

People kill each other over money. It's broken many a household. The jealousy and envy people emote over financial advantages is immense. As far as the MJ comparison, no one worked harder on their stats than MJ. I remember the times Scotty was openly frustrated because when he gave the ball to #23 you weren't getting it back. Trying to scientifically define who's ego is larger between the 2 would take scientific equipment I don't possess.

You and I have discussed this before, but there is always one big reason that people seldom mention. You don't match up with his personality. I like him and the way he carries himself off the court. I would hate to defend the way any of these guys act when the whistle blows. I would hate to defend the way I use to act on a football field. I know my mom never quite got it. For my money, he is much more personable on interviews and TV, much more relax and much more articulate than MJ was. The rivalry that MJ can get started is legendary. Whether it was basketball, gambling, golf, or his friends, MJ didn't take prisoners. Don't tell me that's not more of his ego doing the talking?
People kill each other over money. It's broken many a household. The jealousy and envy people emote over financial advantages is immense. As far as the MJ comparison, no one worked harder on their stats than MJ. I remember the times Scotty was openly frustrated because when he gave the ball to #23 you weren't getting it back. Trying to scientifically define who's ego is larger between the 2 would take scientific equipment I don't possess.

You're simply talking about personal finances, a lot damn different than seeing a guy on TV that has millions, or whether or not you and your wife put too much on a credit card to sit there and place that kind of blame on why you think people are envious of him. I do not want to be LeBron James. I am sure a lot of people do, and good for them, but folks that no longer hold the dream of a professional athlete lose the desire to want to be a guy like him. His money does not impress me or want me to imitate his life. You see LeBron scrambling though. He is nowhere near the guy he was before he went to Miami to win a Championship. He's scraping every surface he can to remain relevant outside of basketball. He has become way more outspoken, and I call that arrogance because of the way he picks and chooses what he wants to talk about and then is nowhere to be found about other subjects. You see the exact same thing with Kevin Durant. That guy was about as muted as one could be, went to the Warriors, got all kinds of tattoos, won a Championship, now bitches and moans about as much as LeBron and keeps getting ejected from games. Complete opposite of their humble beginnings that gathered much of the fandom.

You and I have discussed this before, but there is always one big reason that people seldom mention. You don't match up with his personality. I like him and the way he carries himself off the court. I would hate to defend the way any of these guys act when the whistle blows. I would hate to defend the way I use to act on a football field. I know my mom never quite got it. For my money, he is much more personable on interviews and TV, much more relax and much more articulate than MJ was. The rivalry that MJ can get started is legendary. Whether it was basketball, gambling, golf, or his friends, MJ didn't take prisoners. Don't tell me that's not more of his ego doing the talking?

I can be loud and obnoxious at times, especially when trying to level with a Georgia fan or Liberal, it brings the worst out in us. For the most part though, I am a very welcoming person that has learned to juggle many different personalities at once and can make music and solve problems by finding common ground. So no, I don't consider a butting of the heads or personality the reason I don't like him. It's more of his smug, "I'm the greatest", loudmouthed attitude. I can't stand Tiger Woods for those exact same qualities that he built during his career. The cussing around the kids following him, the asshole attitude that he gave every single player on tour, and his overall cheap ass antics when folks go out and take care of him and he repays them by, well, not paying them. I simply can't stand a loudmouthed jerkoff that speaks out about issues they truly have no understanding of. Maybe his money does kick in here, but nothing worse than hearing a multi-millionaire complain and come off as unhappy so much. Not just LeBron deals with that, people like Trump, and thousands of other athletes and white collar folks catch crap for it too. Michael Jordan loved his ego stroked, but he was always able to back it up and show he was more than just a one trick pony basketball player. Him and Phil Mickelson remind me a lot of one another because they are the best at what they do on their court/course, they love to gamble, made a ton of good investments, make loads of money, and just love that life. The thing that is different about the two I just named and LeBron is that they are way more of a recluse, and keep their private matters, private. You don't see them on social media whining, griping, and complaining about everything they feel is wrong in the world and how everyone else should mold into who they want them to be. James does do those things. So while all of their personalities may be more of an alpha style, there are more polished ways to present it than the way LeBron James does. He just comes off as an arrogant asshole that only has a platform because he can play basketball. He has been good about charity and donating, but he has never come across as a more cerebral kind of guy like so many others out there.
Dude, we are as far as the sunrise to sunset on personalities we admired over the decades. In my lifetime the sports athletes that were just different than everybody else in my world were Muhammad Ali, Tiger Woods, and so far, Lebron James. All for the same reason, they possess gifts that are so uncommon, physically and mentally. The rest of the stuff just doesn't matter, I'm not going bowling with any of them anyway.
You're simply talking about personal finances, a lot damn different than seeing a guy on TV that has millions, or whether or not you and your wife put too much on a credit card to sit there and place that kind of blame on why you think people are envious of him. I do not want to be LeBron James. I am sure a lot of people do, and good for them, but folks that no longer hold the dream of a professional athlete lose the desire to want to be a guy like him. His money does not impress me or want me to imitate his life. You see LeBron scrambling though. He is nowhere near the guy he was before he went to Miami to win a Championship. He's scraping every surface he can to remain relevant outside of basketball. He has become way more outspoken, and I call that arrogance because of the way he picks and chooses what he wants to talk about and then is nowhere to be found about other subjects. You see the exact same thing with Kevin Durant. That guy was about as muted as one could be, went to the Warriors, got all kinds of tattoos, won a Championship, now bitches and moans about as much as LeBron and keeps getting ejected from games. Complete opposite of their humble beginnings that gathered much of the fandom.

I can be loud and obnoxious at times, especially when trying to level with a Georgia fan or Liberal, it brings the worst out in us. For the most part though, I am a very welcoming person that has learned to juggle many different personalities at once and can make music and solve problems by finding common ground. So no, I don't consider a butting of the heads or personality the reason I don't like him. It's more of his smug, "I'm the greatest", loudmouthed attitude. I can't stand Tiger Woods for those exact same qualities that he built during his career. The cussing around the kids following him, the asshole attitude that he gave every single player on tour, and his overall cheap ass antics when folks go out and take care of him and he repays them by, well, not paying them. I simply can't stand a loudmouthed jerkoff that speaks out about issues they truly have no understanding of. Maybe his money does kick in here, but nothing worse than hearing a multi-millionaire complain and come off as unhappy so much. Not just LeBron deals with that, people like Trump, and thousands of other athletes and white collar folks catch crap for it too. Michael Jordan loved his ego stroked, but he was always able to back it up and show he was more than just a one trick pony basketball player. Him and Phil Mickelson remind me a lot of one another because they are the best at what they do on their court/course, they love to gamble, made a ton of good investments, make loads of money, and just love that life. The thing that is different about the two I just named and LeBron is that they are way more of a recluse, and keep their private matters, private. You don't see them on social media whining, griping, and complaining about everything they feel is wrong in the world and how everyone else should mold into who they want them to be. James does do those things. So while all of their personalities may be more of an alpha style, there are more polished ways to present it than the way LeBron James does. He just comes off as an arrogant asshole that only has a platform because he can play basketball. He has been good about charity and donating, but he has never come across as a more cerebral kind of guy like so many others out there.

Lebron has turned himself into an out of touch, leftist, cry baby hater and I can't stand him. As a basketball guy I used to respect his game back when he was filling up stat sheets by being a great passer, scorer, and a guy who could guard 1 thru 4. But he is a high school drop out who has injected his stupidity into politics and lifestyle where they don't belong. I disagree with every take he makes and why he is making them. I agree with Laura Ingram.. "Shut up and dribble"! That is all he is good for.

MJ was a cocky SOB. I met him a few times here in B-ham when he was playing for the Baron's but he was kind. He thru awesome party's and hung out in town some but he new he had some money and was a confident fella. That being said he never got into the political statements or tried to shame people for their beliefs. I was always a Larry Bird fan but I respected MJ for his competitive spirit and drive... he was a winner.

LBJ is a wiener not a winner, he has to get just the right team around him to win.. MJ made whatever team he was on better and they would win. If you have truly played sports you know the difference.

In short.. Lebron, SHUT UP AND DRIBBLE! It's all you can bring to the table.
Dude, we are as far as the sunrise to sunset on personalities we admired over the decades. In my lifetime the sports athletes that were just different than everybody else in my world were Muhammad Ali, Tiger Woods, and so far, Lebron James. All for the same reason, they possess gifts that are so uncommon, physically and mentally. The rest of the stuff just doesn't matter, I'm not going bowling with any of them anyway.

Not one person out there is getting all giddy over their mental abilities, it's strictly their physical abilities and what the hype trains in Nike has built. Ali is before my time, and of course there are widespread feelings on him. Be honest, Tiger Woods is one of the best golfers ever, BUT, he was also the darling of everyone trying to benefit and profit off him being a minority. This was a perfect way for golf to reach out to a new type of person in hopes of making more money. How many times did we hear more about the color of his skin over the actual feat itself in winning the Masters by a record number of strokes? We also didn't have the benefit of being into their lives each and every day now like we do with social media and their willingness to be such public people, so it was even more difficult to like them as people, yet only what they could do for us.. I think you are over selling their likability with the public. It's all minors that love LeBron. Not many grown ups care for professional athletes. Tiger lost most of his following after he cheated on his wife and kids with a bunch of waitresses and porn stars. This world has the shortest memory ever, so they are welcoming back a more humbled Tiger, plus we all love a comeback story. It's more about saying you were there to experience it more than a true appreciation for what they are doing and who they are. I think a lot of newer Alabama fans are the same way where they just want to be attached to a winner, but are not contributing time, money, and effort towards actually building the machine, just trying to reap the rewards. Role models aren't what they used to be. It's more about looking cool in the newest pair of shoes, or wearing the trendy jersey on the streets, being seen in the box suite or on the court, and whatever else "trends" on Twitter that week.
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