🏈 Latest ESPN slam on Saban


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Screw ESPN. I am sorry if I come across pissed this time but you know what.....*#@$ ESPN.

The way they covered the Saban presser where he made a reference to male anatomy (which I thought was awesome) showed the F$%&*^# bias against us.

Hell the guy COVERING the story called the fans/school "The Alabama Crimson". Yeah. No Tide. What a +$%&*^$ moron.

&$$%^& you ESPN. Go to H#%

ps. I really hope I have not offended anyone with my language here. I bleeped it out. If this is over the line I apologize. Moderators and members please send me private messages if this is over the line. ESPN *@#* you.
I am still steaming. You know what else they said?

They said:

"Here is Nick Saban's 'I am a MAN. I'm 40!!' moment"

How dare they? You know what? Go and die you biased socialist!

They never did this crap to him when he was at LSU. Oh. WOW! Wonder why?

*still fumes*

Help me out here guys.
So, even with their Florida coverage they end up covering the Saban presser because, like it or not rivals, relevance.

I don't give a flyin' **** what media outlet has to say. Bottom line, if we are in the news that means we are news. Being hated, being criticized, let them all come out of the woodwork.

That's why they call us arrogant. We simply don't care.

Here's twenty, bury two.
TerryP said:
So, even with their Florida coverage they end up covering the Saban presser because, like it or not rivals, relevance.

I don't give a flyin' **** what media outlet has to say. Bottom line, if we are in the news that means we are news. Being hated, being criticized, let them all come out of the woodwork.

That's why they call us arrogant. We simply don't care.

Here's twenty, bury two.

Well said.
It was on Sports Center at 5:45 central time this afternoon on ESPN.

I know what you are saying Terry and I agree. The problem I have with it at times is not what the end result is. I actually thought he looked pretty good being angry. I like being angry and I like our Coach being angry.

Coach Saban was upset with some reporter for pointing out that we had more players than we had scholarships and asked him how we were going to work it out.

Coach Saban says to let the Alabama staff worry about that and it is all under control. As he is explaining this he gets more and more fired up.

Someone help me and give me a youtube link so we can all see how NOTHING it was.

I digress. The reason it fires me up is not the end result. It is the arrogance of ESPN. They could not even get our name right but they somehow have the finger on the pulse of SEC football?

Most of y'all here know me and know how I post. It is truly unusual for me to get so upset about anything. I don't know why this one upset me. It just did.

Go to he11 ESPN.
Swamptick said:
It was on Sports Center at 5:45 central time this afternoon on ESPN.

I know what you are saying Terry and I agree. The problem I have with it at times is not what the end result is. I actually thought he looked pretty good being angry. I like being angry and I like our Coach being angry.

Coach Saban was upset with some reporter for pointing out that we had more players than we had scholarships and asked him how we were going to work it out.

Coach Saban says to let the Alabama staff worry about that and it is all under control. As he is explaining this he gets more and more fired up.

Someone help me and give me a youtube link so we can all see how NOTHING it was.

I digress. The reason it fires me up is not the end result. It is the arrogance of ESPN. They could not even get our name right but they somehow have the finger on the pulse of SEC football?

Most of y'all here know me and know how I post. It is truly unusual for me to get so upset about anything. I don't know why this one upset me. It just did.

Go to he11 ESPN.

I posted the press conference here...it's in part two. It's Ian Rappaport doing his normal schtick.

Some of the print media are taking offense at how they are treated...never mind the fact that they instigate what they are receiving. McReedy is out of Mobile now...Ian should be out of B-ham.

Didn't Ian ask if a specific student was going to be on scholarship, and when Coach Saban said that he did not know yet Rappaport basically said that he did know, practically calling him a liar and instigating the blow up?

(Forgive the run-on question)
Wiseace615 said:

Didn't Ian ask if a specific student was going to be on scholarship, and when Coach Saban said that he did not know yet Rappaport basically said that he did know, practically calling him a liar and instigating the blow up?

(Forgive the run-on question)

Yes, that is essentially what Rappaturd said and said it because he knew it would inflame Coach Saban because that is the type of turd that Rappaturd is which is why I call him Rappaturd which is a name he deserves which reminds me I also love run on sentances!

I can put my cursor on a link, look at the bottom of the page and see where it's going and therefor avoid all things al.com. BUT, I can't do that in press conferences so I end up hearing his questions far too often.

I swear, Coach Saban will address a situation and say that's all I'm going to say about it and less than a minute later Ian will ask the same question that has just been answered. Purposefully? I have no doubt. If it isn't, the guy just doesn't listen.

I have respect for Finebaum because I can realize he's good at what he does even though I might not care for the content or opinion. Ian, on the other hand, doesn't even make the respect meter flicker. I've seen so much of what he's reported have no, as in NONE, truth in it...enough of this...
Thanks Tick and Terry for the response. When I first heard that the Titans of Sports Reporting over and ESPN (previous statement written with tongue planted firmly in cheek) were trying to stir up some more crap I started trying to find out details. Once I saw Crappaport's name involved I knew it was much ado about S@!t. I just wanted to verify what I had heard.

One more question for Terry:

How do you sit through an entire press conference without getting up at some point and stabbing Ian in the ear with a pencil?

Just curious. :wink:
TerryP said:
I have respect for Finebaum because I can realize he's good at what he does even though I might not care for the content or opinion. Ian, on the other hand, doesn't even make the respect meter flicker. I've seen so much of what he's reported have no, as in NONE, truth in it...enough of this...

^^ This post is made of win.
Wiseace615 said:
Thanks Tick and Terry for the response. When I first heard that the Titans of Sports Reporting over and ESPN (previous statement written with tongue planted firmly in cheek) were trying to stir up some more crap I started trying to find out details. Once I saw Crappaport's name involved I knew it was much ado about S@!t. I just wanted to verify what I had heard.

One more question for Terry:

How do you sit through an entire press conference without getting up at some point and stabbing Ian in the ear with a pencil?

Just curious. :wink:

What is often misunderstood is a lot of it is friendly banter. Saban enjoys it, so do other members of the media.

To be clear, these are my thoughts on Ian. Period. I can listen to one of the pressers with Saban and can draw a lot out of them that most of those attending these same events seem to miss. It's not hard to understand, BUT, I doubt that those reporters follow things around the program as closely as I do. It's just another example of how that portion of the media is becoming more and more extinct. Whether we like it or not, every reporter has an agenda based opinion...not different than every poster on message forums have their own agenda as well.

I've ran into Ian a few times and he seems like a decent guy. That doesn't mean I respect what he does on his job.
TerryP said:
Wiseace615 said:
Thanks Tick and Terry for the response. When I first heard that the Titans of Sports Reporting over and ESPN (previous statement written with tongue planted firmly in cheek) were trying to stir up some more crap I started trying to find out details. Once I saw Crappaport's name involved I knew it was much ado about S@!t. I just wanted to verify what I had heard.

One more question for Terry:

How do you sit through an entire press conference without getting up at some point and stabbing Ian in the ear with a pencil?

Just curious. :wink:

What is often misunderstood is a lot of it is friendly banter. Saban enjoys it, so do other members of the media.

To be clear, these are my thoughts on Ian. Period. I can listen to one of the pressers with Saban and can draw a lot out of them that most of those attending these same events seem to miss. It's not hard to understand, BUT, I doubt that those reporters follow things around the program as closely as I do. It's just another example of how that portion of the media is becoming more and more extinct. Whether we like it or not, every reporter has an agenda based opinion...not different than every poster on message forums have their own agenda as well.

I've ran into Ian a few times and he seems like a decent guy. That doesn't mean I respect what he does on his job.

Does that mean we can have a press pass as well? :D
TerryP said:
Wiseace615 said:
Thanks Tick and Terry for the response. When I first heard that the Titans of Sports Reporting over and ESPN (previous statement written with tongue planted firmly in cheek) were trying to stir up some more crap I started trying to find out details. Once I saw Crappaport's name involved I knew it was much ado about S@!t. I just wanted to verify what I had heard.

One more question for Terry:

How do you sit through an entire press conference without getting up at some point and stabbing Ian in the ear with a pencil?

Just curious. :wink:

What is often misunderstood is a lot of it is friendly banter. Saban enjoys it, so do other members of the media.

To be clear, these are my thoughts on Ian. Period. I can listen to one of the pressers with Saban and can draw a lot out of them that most of those attending these same events seem to miss. It's not hard to understand, BUT, I doubt that those reporters follow things around the program as closely as I do. It's just another example of how that portion of the media is becoming more and more extinct. Whether we like it or not, every reporter has an agenda based opinion...not different than every poster on message forums have their own agenda as well.

I've ran into Ian a few times and he seems like a decent guy. That doesn't mean I respect what he does on his job.

Yeah, I really have no right to dislike Rappaport as a person seeing that I've never met him, still I have no use for what he calls reporting. There again, I'm not a reporter so who am I to judge. I'll just continue to be wary of the validity of any reports that are linked to him.

On the point that you made about other reporters who miss certain information: I'm not convinced that it has as much to do with them not following the program as closely as you do. I think that certain members of the press go into a press conference looking so hard for a scandal or a tirade that they miss the actual information being given. That is my biggest grievance with some of todays media. It seems that too many young reporters are trying to get famous by being the first to attach their name to the next big scandal and too few are actually trying to report factual information.
FWIW, the guys on College Football Live showed the clip last night but didn't rip Saban himself. One of the guys said it was just a shame that some kids at who committed to schools, not just Bama, might qualify and still will be turned away because of the numbers. But like CNS said, you don't oversign a class without anticipating this and having a plan.
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