| FTBL Kirk says Bama is coming in to play

Outlaw said:
I'm a Kirk fan myself. :oops:

So am I. Herbie IS the football knowledge on that show. Corso, the stand up act (although he does bring some valid points in at times as well) and Fowler is the sensationalist.

Desmond, well, he either needs to go back to school to finish his degree or go back to school and take a few English courses again. I fell over today listening to him talk about Tebow. He started with saying I've got a few points...

First of all...

Second of all...

And third, but not least...

Maybe I'm just being picky. I've heard, "Last, but not least." But, "Third, but not least" is a new one to me.
I guess I'm prejudice for the correct use of of a cliche.
Kirk does what sportscasters and writers use to do without hesitation, but you can't find many that even bother, and that's do you homework.

He's always knows the facts before opening his mouth.
TerryP said:
Outlaw said:
I'm a Kirk fan myself. :oops:

So am I. Herbie IS the football knowledge on that show. Corso, the stand up act (although he does bring some valid points in at times as well) and Fowler is the sensationalist.

Desmond, well, he either needs to go back to school to finish his degree or go back to school and take a few English courses again. I fell over today listening to him talk about Tebow. He started with saying I've got a few points...

First of all...

Second of all...

And third, but not least...

Maybe I'm just being picky. I've heard, "Last, but not least." But, "Third, but not least" is a new one to me.
I guess I'm prejudice for the correct use of of a cliche.

Desmond is really tough to listen to.
Maybe this year they'll get it right. Didn't Kirk pick Alabama last year and Corso pick AU as well? I know Kirk picked Bama. Hope this time he'll be right. 8)
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