🌎 Juuusssst a bit outside! Bob Uecker has passed away.

Years back when you could first start listening to MLB radio broadcasts over the internet, I signed up. I did it mainly for the Diamondbacks broadcasts but found myself listening to Brewers games nearly as often, simply because of Uecker. I did the same at times with Vin Scully and the Dodgers, but not as much because 1) while I loved Scully, I hated the Dodgers. 2) they almost always played at the same time as AZ. But those 2 guys were in a class by themselves. Different styles, but both were simply incredible. On any given night, you never knew what type of Paul Harvey-esqe story you'd get from Scully during an at bat... and it was almost as if God himself made sure the at bat or inning stretched out just long enough for him to stick the landing and make your mouth drop. With Uecker, it could be a 2-1 game in the 9th or a 13-0 blowout in the 5th, and he'd drop some line like a firecracker or just casually slip one in that you had to be be really engaged to even get. Both were supremely talented (for radio), knew the game, and also knew how to entertain. And sadly, they were the last of the breed.

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