| NEWS John Lynch (49er GM) and Reuben Foster

“I think an example – and I don’t say that anything is a mistake, but I had so much belief in Reuben Foster and my ability to get to him. ‘OK, if he’s got some issues, I can help this young man out. I can be the one. I’m not playing anymore. I’m in the GM seat. I can put resources around him’ and all those things. But I think, probably, I’ve learned some tough lessons that it’s going to be hard to have that kind of influence and have that kind of connection because I’m not his teammate anymore. I’m actually in a different role.

“And Reuben’s a fine young man. Went through some tough things. I don’t mean to put him out there on that. But that’s an instance where I probably, my experience, feeling like, ‘You know what? I can get to him’ -- sometimes you can’t. Or you can’t make a situation better because of the dynamics involved.

On March 17, Foster became an unrestricted free agent when the four-year, $9.035 million contract he signed after being drafted by the 49ers reached its end. Foster has not been signed for the 2021 season.

Foster most recently played in an NFL game on Oct. 28, 2018.
Just an example of some not being able to toe the line on their own when they don't have that tight structure around them. Ro was another example.

And both of those guys with the right mentors or support could have been Hall of Famers. Letting high school BS get to you (women and partying) has ruined MANY athletes.

McClain was before my time as an Alabama fan, but I was always amazed by his size and speed. Some athletes just get it, know where to be, how to get there, and finish. McClain was one of those and Foster was as well. I was just always in awe of watching Rolondo at Alabama.
Amazing that two athletes the caliber of McClain and Foster were not productive at a very high level in the NFL. Two of the best LB's I have ever seen play in College.
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