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As persuasive as your excessive use of periods is, I nevertheless must distinguish between subjective experiences and objective reality. We all have experiences we can't explain or don't fully understand. With such experiences, some of us are tempted to invoke the divine. An even smaller portion of the population experiences hallucinations regularly. I actually know such people.
I think you are missing the key words here: this is subjectivity.

  • Seen.
  • Experienced.
Then how did I experience them? I'm not supposed to believe what's seen and experienced?

Because, like a child, I've asked questions? That's the only reasonable explanation for the statement: petulant? Some of the comments deserve a Princess Bride gif.
Unless you saw god or Jesus standing there flapping his holy hands no experience shows proof of a deity, you may believe it was some divine deity
I think you are missing the key words here: this is subjectivity.

  • Seen.
  • Experienced.
I didn’t miss anything. In a debate/discussion on the existence/nature of god, you’re responding with subjectivity. I’d say you’re missing how irrelevant that is. Your experience doesn't trump my or anyone else’s experiences. Objective reality only cares about what can be demonstrated by reason or evidence. About the only thing I like about Zionist Ben Shapiro is his line, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”
Unless you saw god or Jesus standing there flapping his holy hands no experience shows proof of a deity, you may believe it was some divine deity
'g'od vs 'J'esus struck me here.

You carry a dismissive attitude, guised under a sarcastic tone, while questioning the beliefs of people. Your stance is built on a foundation of sand when you don't know what you are mocking.

You haven't a notion of what's been seen and experienced. With the guise of people being treated fairly, I see judgement. 🤷‍♂️
while questioning the beliefs of people
My experience trumps everything. It's mine.

I realize the former quote wasn't directed to me, but I meant to reply earlier in this thread to another similar remark you made. To be clear, no one here is remotely suggesting you don't have the right to believe whatever you want. By all means, believe away! But this is an exercise in defending our beliefs in the presence of opposing beliefs. Welcome to adulthood haha. To recoil and retreat into your own perceptions of your own experiences and trust in your ability alone, without any aid from others, to interpret and decipher whatever your frail faculties have told you about your surroundings, that sounds more like hubris than humility. Humility is saying, "I want to reconcile what I think with what you think because I trust that you may know something I don't, and I don't want to miss that." Humility is wanting to be challenged so that our individual blind spots are addressed. As I said earlier, objective truth is inherently crowd sourced: we all help each other discover what is true and reliable about the world by sharing and comparing each other's perspectives. If your experience is all that matters, well, then you may as well be a relativist and eschew philosophical, religious, political, ethical discussions altogether. The very act of debate and discussion implies an objective reality to which we are all subjects. Otherwise, why try to communicate it or persuade others at all?

Then again, some people's worldviews are more therapeutic than an attempt to understand reality. People who don't wish to be challenged often subscribe to beliefs for "medicinal" purposes. Fantasy can be an addictive drug to numb us from a reality too painful to accept.
'g'od vs 'J'esus struck me here.

You carry a dismissive attitude, guised under a sarcastic tone, while questioning the beliefs of people. Your stance is built on a foundation of sand when you don't know what you are mocking.

You haven't a notion of what's been seen and experienced. With the guise of people being treated fairly, I see judgement. 🤷‍♂️
I’m not mocking anything. I’m purely stating that unless you say said deity or Jesus and holy hands flapping there’s no proof of said deity

Judgement? No judgement, I simply don’t buy the “what I’ve experienced proves god exists”
I realize the former quote wasn't directed to me, but I meant to reply earlier in this thread to another similar remark you made. To be clear, no one here is remotely suggesting you don't have the right to believe whatever you want. By all means, believe away!
I've waited on saying this largely because a lot won't 'get it.'

Years ago the Grateful Dead were performing in ATL; three day even in Fulton. I'm walking into the stadium on Friday and a guy asks. "hold out your palm." I find three drops on the palm a little ironic today: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. I tripped "my balls off" that weekend. I never made it in the stadium....too damn high. Liquid acid.

Fast forward.

I mentioned in another thread, maybe this one, I have been following the "Passion" tour this year. It's no different than my following the 'Dead" for a few years. I'm still high as shit when I walk in. But, my palms are raised for different reasons.

I still fall on my knees when I watch this...and I was there. Experienced.

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