iphone vs Droid


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Which phone do you consider better? Thinking about finally getting one. I don't know much about smart phones. Right now, I think I like the iphone better as far as ease of use, but I keep hearing how bad AT&T's service is. What is your opinion?
I love my iphone, but AT&T's service in Tuscaloosa sucks, and I'm not just talking about on game days. Even in the middle of town, with 3G and full coverage, calls are dropped and can't connect... day after day, after day. The signal strength across the city has actually regressed over the past year as well... as an example, I used to get 3-4 bars at my house... now I'm lucky to get 2. Over 95% of the time, it is 1 bar. As soon as Verizon gets iphone, I'll probably drop AT&T (been with them for probably 8 years or more now), and go with them. Like I said though, as far as the phone, when the service is good, I love it. Good apps, good for sports lovers, easy e-mail access, and I love having the itunes stuff on there..... example- the BCSNC Game.
I really like my iPhone and I've not had any problems with AT&T, in spite of all of the horror stories I had heard prior to signing up. My coverage has been pretty consistent, (but I'll vouch for Porter -- coverage is a little spotty in parts of Alabama). But I will say their their customer service has been nothing short of excellent. Plus I use a Macintosh and I really like the compatibility of apps from my computer to my phone. My wife has an iPhone and it doesn't work worth a crap with her PC.

A guy in my office has a droid and it's a pretty cool phone. The camera on it is kickin'. I sent him to a concert with my photographer and I actually used a shot he took on his phone for a national print ad. (The photographer next to him had pro gear and didn't get a thing I could use.) He seems pretty satisfied with it.
They are both cool, but I would bet Android based devices are more 'future proof'.

For me, this is an extension of the age old 'open' versus 'closed' technology offerings.

The genius of Jobs/Apple has always been cool technology at the cost of being locked into said technology. This is what caused the first go-round of Apple to take a nosedive. The reemergence of Apple is based on the same concept. Cross compatibility between Apple and PC is not much better now than it was 25 years ago. AT&T has always subscribed to the same philosophy (see Ma Bell monopoly - pre-divestiture). So, when these two companies share a common venture you can bet that they aren't working towards open systems standards or public domain software.

The best/most useful apps are available in both technologies today. Personally, I would bet that Google-owned Android OS compatible devices kick the crap out of Apple-based technology in terms of market share over the next several years - especially with Sony just releasing the new internet-enabled TV based on Android OS.
AT&T and iPhone coverage sucks in congested areas. Every single football game I have ever been too, it never works. Last year at the TCU game, at the national championship, at a Texas A&M game...rarely worked. Didn't work at jerry world in Dallas during an event there.

I really like my iPhone, but hate the availability in congested areas. I can't wait for Verizon to pull some people off the AT&T network.

If I were in the market for a new phone, I would go for the Sprint Evo with 4g. its an awesome phone.
I had an iphone. It was a big stinky POS, especially after iOS4 update. I gave it to my wife cause she doesn't use it as hard as I did.

My work got me a Droid X and I freaking LOVE this thing. Sooo much better than some rotten fruit that holds your hand and keeps you from doing whatever you want with your phone. As mentioned, the AT&T coverage sucks. I had dropped calls all the time. 3G coverage?..Forget it.

The Evo 4G is nice but with no 4G coverage in this state it hardly seems worth it.... And let's face it, Alabama will probably be near last on the list to get it. Right now only 22 states have 4G coverage so why even get it if you can't capitalize on the technology???

Android OS better than Steve "lock you down" Jobs OS any day of the year.
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