| FTBL Information on student football tickets


The Rowdy One
Here is an email i received today below

Many of you have children or know someone that currently attends the University of Alabama. As such, we are sending this email to you in regards to student football tickets for the 2010 season. The process has gone through changes designed to enhance the "on-sale" of student tickets. We would like to reach out to as many people as possible to explain the new student ticketing process. The sale will be broken up into 5 days based on each student's credit hour. These are UA hours and do not include transfer or AP hours.
Below is a timeline that explains what each student needs to do in order to participate in the student onsale. Additional information.
April 27 - 30
All currently enrolled students need to go to the MyBama home page and click on the student tab. Students will need to opt-in indicating they are interested in purchasing tickets. Students can do this at anytime beginning at 8:30am CDT on April 27 thru 4:30pm CDT on April 30. Students must opt-in in order to be eligible for the student sale.

May 24 - 28
Students who indicated they were interested in tickets during the opt-in period will receive an email letting them know when their sale date is. The sale day will be based on their credit hour total.

June 14 - 18
Each student's credit hour determines which day they will participate. For each day, the University will allocate tickets based on the percentage each group represents in the total group of students (if 27% of interested students fall between 31-60 hours, 27% of the tickets will be allocated for that day). The following is the breakdown for each sales day:

Monday, June 14: 0 - 30 credit hours
Tuesday, June 15: 31 - 60 credit hours
Wednesday, June 16 61 - 90 credit hours
Thursday, June 17: 91 or more credit hours
Friday, June 18: Graduate Students

Student packages will be sold on a first-come/first-served basis on each day with a limit of 1 package per student. If you have questions on the returning student sale, please contact the Alabama Ticket Office at (205) 348-2262.

Incoming freshman and transfer students will participate in a separate sale which will take place on June 1st.
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