| LIFE I’m leaving the company


Vigilate, et audax
I’ve been a store manager after 17 years. These last two years have been hell because of not enough help and/or sub par help and working a lot of hours but you get ridiculed if you’re sick.
I let them know I was putting in a two week notice and the first thing out of HR’s mouth was, “if you don’t put in a 4 week notice you’ll lose your earned vacation time.”
Not, what’s going on? How can we keep you? Or anything like that. I would like someone in corporate to ask themselves why a manager of 17 years would even consider leaving. Their loss.
Anyway, should I be totally honest in the exit interview or professional?
Thanks guys. I preciate your replies, and @planomateo, I’m like you. I really don’t care because if they wanted my opinion they would have asked already. I know they are glad to get rid of my salary and pay someone a half or a little more than half of what I make.
I let them know I was putting in a two week notice and the first thing out of HR’s mouth was, “if you don’t put in a 4 week notice you’ll lose your earned vacation time.”
Is anything like that included in your contract (assuming there is one?) Most of the people I know have this broken down, some to the hour.
I'd give them honest, professional feedback. Most companies won't give an honest reference these days, just "yes he/she worked here", but vindictive HR's can still hurt you. It sounds like this company lacks the vision to be inward or outward looking, though. I'd just follow their rules, get my pay for the leave, and be on my way.

Good luck to you. Many can't turn from the comfort of a familiar job, even if it's unhealthy for them. Are you leaving without another job, or is there something waiting for you?


I'd give them honest, professional feedback. Most companies won't give an honest reference these days, just "yes he/she worked here", but vindictive HR's can still hurt you. It sounds like this company lacks the vision to be inward or outward looking, though. I'd just follow their rules, get my pay for the leave, and be on my way.

Good luck to you. Many can't turn from the comfort of a familiar job, even if it's unhealthy for them. Are you leaving without another job, or is there something waiting for you?


Yes, a job waiting. Can’t retire yet.
If you get a chance to speak, do it in a professional but truthful manner. When you are a store manager, you do have to work very long hours and I assume you are salary. It doesn't matte if you work 45 hours or 70 hours, you get the same pay. I think from reading between the lines, you are fed up with "workers" who do not show up for a shift, always have an emergency and need to leave early, do not work when they are actually on the clock, etc.. The stress just gets to you after awhile. Do they allow you to hire your own workers? If not, they may be something you want to address. Do not give up your vacation time for any reason. If you need to stay 4 weeks to get paid, stay! You already have 17 in so a 2 extra weeks will not hurt you. Blessings my brother.
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