| OT I wonder what it's like to be a kid when your dad is Coach DeBoer, or Coach Oats. What are you thinking?


Saban came from the NFL. So, I would think that his two kids were a little "used to" the attention spotlight.

I can't escape the question of what DeBoer's kids thought when he said, "I'm thinking about taking the Bama job."

What did Oats kids think with the same question? Buffalo to Bama is one thing. The difference in their lifestyle, another. What does a kid think when their dad is coaching high school basketball and then, a few years later, is making millions?

DeBoer is in living in the house across from Saban. What does a kid think in the morning, eating breakfast, looking at where they are?

This ramble leads me back to John Mark. So oblivious to what the pressure was for his dad...but good lord did he have fun.
Am sure it can be

I looked at differently. I wondered what they thought. Family. Kids and spouse

Moving from Seattle .... one of most beautiful cities in US to Tuscaloosa. The south. The heat. The humidity. The "southern "thing.

Seattle with pro sports...Mount Rainer/Adams/Hood ... snow capped mountains. Western forest n NFs n NPs. Rainey for sure but just rainey. Pacific Ocean close by
Beautiful rivers...clear streams..

I moved from Washington to Mississippi. And being a southern boy was still a culture shock. Lol
Saban came from the NFL. So, I would think that his two kids were a little "used to" the attention spotlight.

I can't escape the question of what DeBoer's kids thought when he said, "I'm thinking about taking the Bama job."

What did Oats kids think with the same question? Buffalo to Bama is one thing. The difference in their lifestyle, another. What does a kid think when their dad is coaching high school basketball and then, a few years later, is making millions?

DeBoer is in living in the house across from Saban. What does a kid think in the morning, eating breakfast, looking at where they are?

This ramble leads me back to John Mark. So oblivious to what the pressure was for his dad...but good lord did he have fun.
Nope. Same neighborhood but not next to or across from.
Been a culture shock for them from day one.
In this case, with DeBoer, that's not the case. He pretty much said so the other day while mentioning how welcoming Bama folk are and comparing it to the area he grew up.

Sorry. Another "I told you so" moment. I pointed to how coaches coming from that area of the country relate to others.

With Coach DeBoer? He feels like he's home. The "Alabama mentality" and the "Dakota upbringing" just fit; socially. A friend of mine caught he and his wife, one daughter, eating in Northport a few weeks ago. No one said anything to them other than a "morning Coach" kind of greeting. One of Coach Oats kids were with them that morning. Lexi, I think?

I need to get offline because people are going to start saying I'm pumping sunshine. But shit, Kevin. I am just watching.
In this case, with DeBoer, that's not the case. He pretty much said so the other day while mentioning how welcoming Bama folk are and comparing it to the area he grew up.

Sorry. Another "I told you so" moment. I pointed to how coaches coming from that area of the country relate to others.

With Coach DeBoer? He feels like he's home. The "Alabama mentality" and the "Dakota upbringing" just fit; socially. A friend of mine caught he and his wife, one daughter, eating in Northport a few weeks ago. No one said anything to them other than a "morning Coach" kind of greeting. One of Coach Oats kids were with them that morning. Lexi, I think?

I need to get offline because people are going to start saying I'm pumping sunshine. But shit, Kevin. I am just watching.
Ha @TerryP sunshine pumper extraordinaire :). I give you your props that you are definelty all in and certainly not on the fence. I love your passion for this staff and hope everything you are saying is dead on.

On the comment about CKD saying it feels like home, he probably does except for these 100 degree temperatures.... Good lord it is hot these days and this is from a guy that has lived here his entire life. Fortunatley I am about to spend a week in Ashville where I will have the canopy of the mountains to help a little bit.
Ha @TerryP sunshine pumper extraordinaire :). I give you your props that you are definelty all in and certainly not on the fence. I love your passion for this staff and hope everything you are saying is dead on.

On the comment about CKD saying it feels like home, he probably does except for these 100 degree temperatures.... Good lord it is hot these days and this is from a guy that has lived here his entire life. Fortunatley I am about to spend a week in Ashville where I will have the canopy of the mountains to help a little bit.
Ashville NC. Its hot there too.
Seattle is relatively mild weather. Rainy but mild. Tuscaloosa is damn hot
But have A/C. Stay in ...find water... a pool. Play video games. Ttown has decent shopping. I bet they miss MLB games. Adjust. Its not forever
Ashville NC. Its hot there too.
Seattle is relatively mild weather. Rainy but mild. Tuscaloosa is damn hot
But have A/C. Stay in ...find water... a pool. Play video games. Ttown has decent shopping. I bet they miss MLB games. Adjust. Its not forever
I can confirm it is hot in Ashville NC write now also. Jusgt muggy. I think it is going to get a little better tomorrow and for a few days, Just seems like I am wearing the humidity...
I can confirm it is hot in Ashville NC write now also. Jusgt muggy. I think it is going to get a little better tomorrow and for a few days, Just seems like I am wearing the humidity...
I am just across mountain. Doesnt feel like vacation paradise here either...
Pool water hit 89 the other day. Probably get power bill this week. Be crying n poor mouthing. Enjoy beautiful Ashville. Football n fall aint but 55 days.. or so ..away
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