| LIFE I learned bunnies can swim


Was out cleaning the swimming pool and a bunny was in the back yard. A bunny was stuck between our Yorkie at one side and me on the other side, with a fence behind it and the swimming pool on the other side. The bunny jumped into the pool, swam across and jumped out and took off.

Had no idea they knew how to swim.

Wished I'd have caught that on video.
My dad used to have a pack of beagles that we used for rabbit hunting. I've seen rabbits that the beagles were running jump in a creek and swim to throw the beagles off their trail.
yep, they are, in fact, very good swimmers.

i watch a lot of nature shows on tv and find out all kinds of interesting facts like that. also, tigers are very good swimmers as well and like to get in the water to play.
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