| LIFE How many of you guys will stand up and say, "I'm the cook?"


Scenario: I got invited to dinner last night. As casually, politely, and vaguely I asked, "who is cooking?"

I'm going to call him "J." His wife, "K."

"J" said he was cooking. I declined based on a downright lie about having something to do...well not, really, I did have something to do other than eat overcooked meat.

IF it was "K?" I'd have been there in a heartbeat.

I'm single. So, the dynamic is different. Still, curious. How many of you guys actually cook?

NOW, here's the bonus question!

Who on the site, if they offered to cook, would you go to immediately?
I’m single I used to cook quite often when it was my son and myself…
Now I eat out almost every meal. I will cook occasionally for a date, but not much. I can “grill” almost anything, can’t quite get ribs right though (mine just aren’t as good as other people I know).
I’m best with red meat I believe.
Oh, and I can use the hell outta of a crock pot!!!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁

Now when one of my sisters in law call and they’re cooking!!!!!! I’m in!!!!!

My younger brother (he passed away 9years ago) was a fantastic cook!!! Had his own recipes that he’d experiment with. Most were in his head and weren't written down. My sister in law may have a few of his recipes.
I'm definitely the cook, least I can do since I'm retired and my wife works. Even before, I cooked on weekends when she didn't work and both of us cooked when we both worked.
I can cook pretty much anything, jerk chicken, shrimp boils, red beans and rice, ribs, and gumbo are probably what I get the most requests for
I love to cook. Went through a stage in life where I thought I wanted to be a chef, so I went to culinary school and worked in several Michelin restaurants, but nowadays it’s mostly grill and smoker.

As for who on the site would I go to if they offered to cook? Since I only “know” you I would say you
My wife and I cook. We both can cook. We can cook any meals that you can find in resturant. My specialty is red meats, pasta, seafood. My wife can cook just about anything related to southern food. Last week I made Chicken cajun pasta with spicy flavor similar to nothing but noodles but my version. When we invite people over, we usually ask our guests who would they like for one of us to cook. Half of the time it's me. Other time, it's my wife. Balanced approach.
I’m an eater, not a diner
I've been thinkin' about this. I am both.

I rarely going out "dining" any longer: as compared to what I did say a decade ago. (Just went to look at my Discover bill.) 11 places last month when I was "dining."

When it comes to the food at the house? To be frank, I think I'm still "dining." It's like a mattress. Or, a pair of shoes. You don't skimp. Ya just plan.

What do I know?
I've been thinkin' about this. I am both.

I rarely going out "dining" any longer: as compared to what I did say a decade ago. (Just went to look at my Discover bill.) 11 places last month when I was "dining."

When it comes to the food at the house? To be frank, I think I'm still "dining." It's like a mattress. Or, a pair of shoes. You don't skimp. Ya just plan.

What do I know?
I define dining as fancy eating. I go for the food, not the atmosphere, service or decor. The food is prepared to eat, not take a picture.

There are a few yes's in this video...concluding with a huge, no. THIS is why I'm not married! Because, my response?

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