| FTBL Good article on Julio

In reality, Jones is pretty much Alabama’s entire receiving corps and one of the main reasons his team will play for an SEC championship. Jones has 40 catches for 634 yards this season. The next leading wide receiver, Mike McCoy, has 16 for 191. Saban said the team needs to find a consistent No. 2 receiver. Can you imagine this team if its No. 1 was just a typical freshman?
:shock: I don't wanna imagine life without Julio. :)
I think its safe to say that the overwhelming majority of us in his hometown are very proud of his accomplishments and most of all, his work ethic and attitude. Those of us that watched him grow throughout high school knew he had enormous potential...I for one knew during his junior year that he had what it took to play on Sundays...there was no doubt in my mind. Alot of my Barner friends are also very happy to see him doing well....he really is a good kid ( young man ) and has everything it takes to succeed IMO. Believe me when I say this...he is capable of making plays that you would not ever imagine were humanly possible...I know..because ive seen him do these things....he has demonstrated some of his capabilities...but he is capable of being one of the best receivers in the history of college / professional football IMO. I believe that he will shatter all of alabamas receiving records before hes done here. Lets hope he stays focused and healthy.
Congratulations, Mr. Jones. You are going to reside in the Hall of Fame of the greatest program in college football. You are a stud. Coming from me, that means a little something. Roll Tide!!!
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