🌎 God Save The Queen

I know the lady ruled for 70 years but do we in America really care?

They're our closest ally, rare to lower the U.S. flag for a foreign leader, but I'm okay with it.
The flag at half-mast is one thing. The TV coverage? At this point I'm asking, "really?" It's been awhile since we've had a President pass, but I certainly do not remember the wall-to-wall coverage of one of their deaths being as broadly recognized—to the point far past saturated—as she's receiving.

I turned on the news for a second this morning.

"Here's the hearse leaving Balmoral."
"Here's the route she's going to take."
"Let's watch the vehicle on the road."

They're following a freakin' coffin.
It's been awhile since we've had a President pass, but I certainly do not remember the wall-to-wall coverage of one of their deaths being as broadly recognized—to the point far past saturated—as she's receiving.
One difference is that we haven't had a President pass while in office since JFK. I do agree it has been way more on this side of the pond than I think is right, but comparing coverage of Reagan's death to the sitting Queen is a little off line.
One difference is that we haven't had a President pass while in office since JFK. I do agree it has been way more on this side of the pond than I think is right, but comparing coverage of Reagan's death to the sitting Queen is a little off line.
What else would you compare it to? I realize we have a ruler versus a figure head (in the Queen) so the comparison isn't apples to apples.

"We interrupt our regular news cycle for 24, no 36 hours, to give you continuing coverage of a vehicle traveling down this road."

While I meant the following comment posted earlier in a form of jest, a shot of dark humor, it didn't take long for the script to flip. I guess it only took one for the rest to feel "it's okay."
Juxtaposition. I find it with the media coverage today of no better case of white privilege.

I saw where she was being called a "colonizer" earlier. Now there's a stretch.
Exactly what I compared it to, a sitting President. Comparing to a former President would be more like comparing to a sovereign who had abdicated the throne or been deposed. I do not believe there was wall to wall coverage of her uncle when he died.
We're seeing this differently because one doesn't have any ruling power. That said, there's not really anything we can compare (US to England) in this situation.

I remember the night Di was killed (strangely enough even the girl I was with—everything but her name—and what we were doing) but I can't remember how much press coverage there was...seems like it was close to this.
We're seeing this differently because one doesn't have any ruling power.
Legally the Queen/King has veto power, they just haven't used it in 300 years due to how it works.

I remember the night Di was killed (strangely enough even the girl I was with—everything but her name—and what we were doing) but I can't remember how much press coverage there was...seems like it was close to this.

Very much so. She was big news.
Chalk that up to something I didn't know.
It's kind of interesting. They can withold Assent on the advice of their ministers which is basically a veto. But, the ministers are appointed by Parliament now so they always go with whatever Parliament passed. Reminds me a lot of the US changing the Senate to be voted on directly and losing one of the checks and balances we used to have (Senate represents the States while the House represents the people).
Our king died
Our forefathers designed this great country so no one entity could ever rule this land. It is a fantastic design with 3 branches of equal weight. We the people is where the buck stops. If you ever visit other countries you will see, that they might look good, but they are not as free to debate their government as we are.

Every citizen has an equal opportunity, even if poor, to achieve great things.

We have had presidents that came from nothing to ones that were already successful. Dynasties helped our country grow, and so did inventors.

I pray that God will continue to bless the united States of America.

The minute of silence for the Queen before Chelsea's second disastrous UCL match was stunning. Not a peep could be heard in Stamford Bridge. Another English stadium had a fitting moment as well.

The flag at half-mast is one thing. The TV coverage? At this point I'm asking, "really?" It's been awhile since we've had a President pass, but I certainly do not remember the wall-to-wall coverage of one of their deaths being as broadly recognized—to the point far past saturated—as she's receiving.

I turned on the news for a second this morning.

"Here's the hearse leaving Balmoral."
"Here's the route she's going to take."
"Let's watch the vehicle on the road."

They're following a freakin' coffin.

People look at these "royals" as celebrities in the same way many American politicians have become such and turned into idols. It's been that for as long as I can remember when it comes to British royalty though. I remember some of my friends' moms crying after Princess Dianna died and all the media coverage surrounding it. I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. I personally could not care less and the only way it affects my life is how annoying it is to hear and see so many people continue to go on and on about it.
People look at these "royals" as celebrities in the same way many American politicians have become such and turned into idols. It's been that for as long as I can remember when it comes to British royalty though. I remember some of my friends' moms crying after Princess Dianna died and all the media coverage surrounding it. I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. I personally could not care less and the only way it affects my life is how annoying it is to hear and see so many people continue to go on and on about it.
We'd get the same reaction for Fauci except the people on the streets would be cheering. :p
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