🏈 Fran


Got this in an email & heard them talking about it on the radio a few minutes ago. Wonder if it is true?

Kim's Corner - Judging, a little fun and a serious note

[Kim Franchione will post a blog periodically, reflecting on life around Aggie football from the viewpoint of a head coach's wife.]

I am going to have the pleasure of once again being a judge at the annual 12th Man Barbeque Contest. Last year, Sylvia Hulsey won it with her wonderful slow cooked brisket (I'm still trying to get her recipe). I hope all of you participate because I am bringing my Italian appetite with me.
A couple of weeks ago I put together some Italian dishes and we hosted one of the dinners bought at auction at the Boys and Girls Club event. Coach Fran Charities sponsors the event and we have put up two dinners for auction the last two years. Eric and Shauna Taylor and their daughter Sadie bought one for this year, and they invited our Aggie golf coach J.T. Higgins and his wife Julie.
We enjoyed the evening at our house and we appreciate the generosity of the Taylor's in support of that great cause. One funny thing that happened during the dinner was when Coach Higg tried to teach Dennis a correct golf swing and Dennis ended up breaking our basement window (I will never let him forget that!). For those that don't know, Dennis is not a very good golfer. I am glad it happened, though because it provided us with some laughter when we need it most.
Our dog Putzel passed away this past weekend. He was 15 years old. Libby named him Putzel because her favorite food back then was pretzels but she called them putzels, so naturally she named him Putzel. There have been many nights in the last few years when Dennis was working late that Putzel and I would curl up on the couch, watch Andy Griffith reruns and eat popcorn. He was a great dog and I am going to miss him tremendously.
Lastly, I want to tell the small segment of Aggie fans that continue to harass Dennis over this e-mail program that we are tired of it. Over the last week we have had for sale signs put in our yard, our home has had eggs thrown on it and I'm pretty sure someone slashed the tires on my car. You do know that he was only trying to keep the boosters that support the Aggie football team up to date with the on-goings of the team, don't you? If what he and Mike did was so wrong, why were so many prominent Aggie boosters receiving the e-mails? Do you people realize that for years Dr. Gates posted information on an Aggie web site? Some of that information was directly from the e-mails Mike sent out. I know that if Dennis had won the national championship last year not one of you would care about this, but I guess that is the life of a football coach. Dennis is so depressed that he has to take Lunesta just to get a decent night of sleep. I woke up one night and found Dennis sitting in the floor crying and clutching a Bible he received from John Hagee during our time at TCU. All he wants to do is coach football and be a good husband and father. His dream is to win a National Championship for the Aggie Nation.
Dennis just needs a little more time and he will give you all a football program we can all proud of. George Bush Sr. called Dennis on Sunday to let us know we have his full support, so I think all of you need to learn a lesson from him.
Blessings and Gig 'em, Aggies!
Kim Franchione
I hear that this morning. He is done. His wife basically made him out to be a big sissy. If you were a football player would you respect him as a coach after that?
BamaJay73 said:
Got this in an email & heard them talking about it on the radio a few minutes ago. Wonder if it is true?

Kim's Corner - Judging, a little fun and a serious note

[Kim Franchione will post a blog periodically, reflecting on life around Aggie football from the viewpoint of a head coach's wife.]

I am going to have the pleasure of once again being a judge at the annual 12th Man Barbeque Contest. Last year, Sylvia Hulsey won it with her wonderful slow cooked brisket (I'm still trying to get her recipe). I hope all of you participate because I am bringing my Italian appetite with me.
A couple of weeks ago I put together some Italian dishes and we hosted one of the dinners bought at auction at the Boys and Girls Club event. Coach Fran Charities sponsors the event and we have put up two dinners for auction the last two years. Eric and Shauna Taylor and their daughter Sadie bought one for this year, and they invited our Aggie golf coach J.T. Higgins and his wife Julie.
We enjoyed the evening at our house and we appreciate the generosity of the Taylor's in support of that great cause. One funny thing that happened during the dinner was when Coach Higg tried to teach Dennis a correct golf swing and Dennis ended up breaking our basement window (I will never let him forget that!). For those that don't know, Dennis is not a very good golfer. I am glad it happened, though because it provided us with some laughter when we need it most.
Our dog Putzel passed away this past weekend. He was 15 years old. Libby named him Putzel because her favorite food back then was pretzels but she called them putzels, so naturally she named him Putzel. There have been many nights in the last few years when Dennis was working late that Putzel and I would curl up on the couch, watch Andy Griffith reruns and eat popcorn. He was a great dog and I am going to miss him tremendously.
Lastly, I want to tell the small segment of Aggie fans that continue to harass Dennis over this e-mail program that we are tired of it. Over the last week we have had for sale signs put in our yard, our home has had eggs thrown on it and I'm pretty sure someone slashed the tires on my car. You do know that he was only trying to keep the boosters that support the Aggie football team up to date with the on-goings of the team, don't you? If what he and Mike did was so wrong, why were so many prominent Aggie boosters receiving the e-mails? Do you people realize that for years Dr. Gates posted information on an Aggie web site? Some of that information was directly from the e-mails Mike sent out. I know that if Dennis had won the national championship last year not one of you would care about this, but I guess that is the life of a football coach. Dennis is so depressed that he has to take Lunesta just to get a decent night of sleep. I woke up one night and found Dennis sitting in the floor crying and clutching a Bible he received from John Hagee during our time at TCU. All he wants to do is coach football and be a good husband and father. His dream is to win a National Championship for the Aggie Nation.
Dennis just needs a little more time and he will give you all a football program we can all proud of. George Bush Sr. called Dennis on Sunday to let us know we have his full support, so I think all of you need to learn a lesson from him.
Blessings and Gig 'em, Aggies!
Kim Franchione

Sounds like a man at the end of his "rope."

Oh well, you can't spell karma without an A&M.
bear facts said:
BamaJay73 said:
Got this in an email & heard them talking about it on the radio a few minutes ago. Wonder if it is true?

Kim's Corner - Judging, a little fun and a serious note

[Kim Franchione will post a blog periodically, reflecting on life around Aggie football from the viewpoint of a head coach's wife.]

I am going to have the pleasure of once again being a judge at the annual 12th Man Barbeque Contest. Last year, Sylvia Hulsey won it with her wonderful slow cooked brisket (I'm still trying to get her recipe). I hope all of you participate because I am bringing my Italian appetite with me.
A couple of weeks ago I put together some Italian dishes and we hosted one of the dinners bought at auction at the Boys and Girls Club event. Coach Fran Charities sponsors the event and we have put up two dinners for auction the last two years. Eric and Shauna Taylor and their daughter Sadie bought one for this year, and they invited our Aggie golf coach J.T. Higgins and his wife Julie.
We enjoyed the evening at our house and we appreciate the generosity of the Taylor's in support of that great cause. One funny thing that happened during the dinner was when Coach Higg tried to teach Dennis a correct golf swing and Dennis ended up breaking our basement window (I will never let him forget that!). For those that don't know, Dennis is not a very good golfer. I am glad it happened, though because it provided us with some laughter when we need it most.
Our dog Putzel passed away this past weekend. He was 15 years old. Libby named him Putzel because her favorite food back then was pretzels but she called them putzels, so naturally she named him Putzel. There have been many nights in the last few years when Dennis was working late that Putzel and I would curl up on the couch, watch Andy Griffith reruns and eat popcorn. He was a great dog and I am going to miss him tremendously.
Lastly, I want to tell the small segment of Aggie fans that continue to harass Dennis over this e-mail program that we are tired of it. Over the last week we have had for sale signs put in our yard, our home has had eggs thrown on it and I'm pretty sure someone slashed the tires on my car. You do know that he was only trying to keep the boosters that support the Aggie football team up to date with the on-goings of the team, don't you? If what he and Mike did was so wrong, why were so many prominent Aggie boosters receiving the e-mails? Do you people realize that for years Dr. Gates posted information on an Aggie web site? Some of that information was directly from the e-mails Mike sent out. I know that if Dennis had won the national championship last year not one of you would care about this, but I guess that is the life of a football coach. Dennis is so depressed that he has to take Lunesta just to get a decent night of sleep. I woke up one night and found Dennis sitting in the floor crying and clutching a Bible he received from John Hagee during our time at TCU. All he wants to do is coach football and be a good husband and father. His dream is to win a National Championship for the Aggie Nation.
Dennis just needs a little more time and he will give you all a football program we can all proud of. George Bush Sr. called Dennis on Sunday to let us know we have his full support, so I think all of you need to learn a lesson from him.
Blessings and Gig 'em, Aggies!
Kim Franchione

Sounds like a man at the end of his "rope."

Oh well, you can't spell karma without an A&M.

How many of these jokes do you have? You must have been around for millenia to know all of these jokes.
bear facts said:
BamaJay73 said:
Got this in an email & heard them talking about it on the radio a few minutes ago. Wonder if it is true?

Kim's Corner - Judging, a little fun and a serious note

[Kim Franchione will post a blog periodically, reflecting on life around Aggie football from the viewpoint of a head coach's wife.]

I am going to have the pleasure of once again being a judge at the annual 12th Man Barbeque Contest. Last year, Sylvia Hulsey won it with her wonderful slow cooked brisket (I'm still trying to get her recipe). I hope all of you participate because I am bringing my Italian appetite with me.
A couple of weeks ago I put together some Italian dishes and we hosted one of the dinners bought at auction at the Boys and Girls Club event. Coach Fran Charities sponsors the event and we have put up two dinners for auction the last two years. Eric and Shauna Taylor and their daughter Sadie bought one for this year, and they invited our Aggie golf coach J.T. Higgins and his wife Julie.
We enjoyed the evening at our house and we appreciate the generosity of the Taylor's in support of that great cause. One funny thing that happened during the dinner was when Coach Higg tried to teach Dennis a correct golf swing and Dennis ended up breaking our basement window (I will never let him forget that!). For those that don't know, Dennis is not a very good golfer. I am glad it happened, though because it provided us with some laughter when we need it most.
Our dog Putzel passed away this past weekend. He was 15 years old. Libby named him Putzel because her favorite food back then was pretzels but she called them putzels, so naturally she named him Putzel. There have been many nights in the last few years when Dennis was working late that Putzel and I would curl up on the couch, watch Andy Griffith reruns and eat popcorn. He was a great dog and I am going to miss him tremendously.
Lastly, I want to tell the small segment of Aggie fans that continue to harass Dennis over this e-mail program that we are tired of it. Over the last week we have had for sale signs put in our yard, our home has had eggs thrown on it and I'm pretty sure someone slashed the tires on my car. You do know that he was only trying to keep the boosters that support the Aggie football team up to date with the on-goings of the team, don't you? If what he and Mike did was so wrong, why were so many prominent Aggie boosters receiving the e-mails? Do you people realize that for years Dr. Gates posted information on an Aggie web site? Some of that information was directly from the e-mails Mike sent out. I know that if Dennis had won the national championship last year not one of you would care about this, but I guess that is the life of a football coach. Dennis is so depressed that he has to take Lunesta just to get a decent night of sleep. I woke up one night and found Dennis sitting in the floor crying and clutching a Bible he received from John Hagee during our time at TCU. All he wants to do is coach football and be a good husband and father. His dream is to win a National Championship for the Aggie Nation.
Dennis just needs a little more time and he will give you all a football program we can all proud of. George Bush Sr. called Dennis on Sunday to let us know we have his full support, so I think all of you need to learn a lesson from him.
Blessings and Gig 'em, Aggies!
Kim Franchione

Sounds like a man at the end of his "rope."

Oh well, you can't spell karma without an A&M.


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well if it was ever posted on Coach Fran's website, it's gone now. I'm calling FAKE.

BTW, I really miss reading "Friday with Fran" every week. Do you think we will ever get a "Noon time with Nick" or maybe a "Saturday with Saban" on Coach Saban's website? That would be cool.
Dennis is so depressed that he has to take Lunesta just to get a decent night of sleep. I woke up one night and found Dennis sitting in the floor crying and clutching a Bible he received from John Hagee during our time at TCU.

I'm sure this isn't true, but this part really made me laugh. :lol: :lol:
RollTideRandy said:
Well if it was ever posted on Coach Fran's website, it's gone now. I'm calling FAKE.

BTW, I really miss reading "Friday with Fran" every week. Do you think we will ever get a "Noon time with Nick" or maybe a "Saturday with Saban" on Coach Saban's website? That would be cool.

I'm thinking it's fake.

A great name for Nick's web blog would be Nick at Noon (A spin off of Nick at Night). I don't see it happening though. Nick Saban ain't got time for this web blog s#!t aight! It's not relative to the process.
Bama Bo wrote:
''Nick Saban ain't got time for this web blog s#!t aight! It's not relative to the process''

Quote of the week :lol:
Wiseace615 said:
bear facts said:
BamaJay73 said:
Got this in an email & heard them talking about it on the radio a few minutes ago. Wonder if it is true?

Kim's Corner - Judging, a little fun and a serious note

[Kim Franchione will post a blog periodically, reflecting on life around Aggie football from the viewpoint of a head coach's wife.]

I am going to have the pleasure of once again being a judge at the annual 12th Man Barbeque Contest. Last year, Sylvia Hulsey won it with her wonderful slow cooked brisket (I'm still trying to get her recipe). I hope all of you participate because I am bringing my Italian appetite with me.
A couple of weeks ago I put together some Italian dishes and we hosted one of the dinners bought at auction at the Boys and Girls Club event. Coach Fran Charities sponsors the event and we have put up two dinners for auction the last two years. Eric and Shauna Taylor and their daughter Sadie bought one for this year, and they invited our Aggie golf coach J.T. Higgins and his wife Julie.
We enjoyed the evening at our house and we appreciate the generosity of the Taylor's in support of that great cause. One funny thing that happened during the dinner was when Coach Higg tried to teach Dennis a correct golf swing and Dennis ended up breaking our basement window (I will never let him forget that!). For those that don't know, Dennis is not a very good golfer. I am glad it happened, though because it provided us with some laughter when we need it most.
Our dog Putzel passed away this past weekend. He was 15 years old. Libby named him Putzel because her favorite food back then was pretzels but she called them putzels, so naturally she named him Putzel. There have been many nights in the last few years when Dennis was working late that Putzel and I would curl up on the couch, watch Andy Griffith reruns and eat popcorn. He was a great dog and I am going to miss him tremendously.
Lastly, I want to tell the small segment of Aggie fans that continue to harass Dennis over this e-mail program that we are tired of it. Over the last week we have had for sale signs put in our yard, our home has had eggs thrown on it and I'm pretty sure someone slashed the tires on my car. You do know that he was only trying to keep the boosters that support the Aggie football team up to date with the on-goings of the team, don't you? If what he and Mike did was so wrong, why were so many prominent Aggie boosters receiving the e-mails? Do you people realize that for years Dr. Gates posted information on an Aggie web site? Some of that information was directly from the e-mails Mike sent out. I know that if Dennis had won the national championship last year not one of you would care about this, but I guess that is the life of a football coach. Dennis is so depressed that he has to take Lunesta just to get a decent night of sleep. I woke up one night and found Dennis sitting in the floor crying and clutching a Bible he received from John Hagee during our time at TCU. All he wants to do is coach football and be a good husband and father. His dream is to win a National Championship for the Aggie Nation.
Dennis just needs a little more time and he will give you all a football program we can all proud of. George Bush Sr. called Dennis on Sunday to let us know we have his full support, so I think all of you need to learn a lesson from him.
Blessings and Gig 'em, Aggies!
Kim Franchione

Sounds like a man at the end of his "rope."

Oh well, you can't spell karma without an A&M.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Now that's funny! It's also very true!
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