| FTBL Forum Sigs ( New Requirments )


rick4bama said:
Don't you just love all this love we giving you now.
Bet you wish you were on the water fishing. :lol:
Ha, I dont mind doing all this, if i did i wouldn't have posted lol... but yea on the water fishing is always a good place to be.
mattjaeger said:
well i guess i have to start padding some posts to get a good sig

Sure do =p... Just be active doesnt take long to rack em up chatting with these guys... always someone rambling about something
1. Font: The Godfather Verse 2 2.0
2. Players: DJ Hall & Prince Hall
3. Scenery: Bryant Denny
4. University Trademark Images: New A
5. colors: Crimson & White
6. tag line: idk, maybe like some mafioso type of stuff to go with the godfather font/alabama theme. if u can think of anything, i cant really. it dont matter if u cant think of nothin tho.
7. extras:
8. Size-LARGE

my bad just saw where u closed the requests. just disregard my post.
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