| FTBL Florida's Football Crazy Legislators


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TALLAHASSEE -- University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow, who became the first sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy last fall, was honored by the Florida Senate and House on Thursday.

The Senate awarded him the Medallion of Excellence for his achievements off the field, the highest honor given by the chamber.

He was also honored with a resolution in the House and threw several passes to Speaker Marco Rubio, R-West Miami.

Tebow, who was home-schooled for 12 years before college, has a 3.77 grade point average at Florida. He spent his spring break visiting orphans and sick children in the Philippines, where his parents are missionaries.

"There are a lot of role models in football, but there are not a lot of good ones," Tebow said. "People might not think they're a role model, but there are always people watching."

"We are a nation in need of character and in need of doing the right thing," the 20-year-old athlete told state senators while several young fans wearing Gators colors waved from the gallery.

"God bless, go Gators," concluded Tebow, who was scheduled to meet later with Gov. Charlie Crist.


Even though he does a lot of charity work, I think getting a pat on the back is a little much coming from the state government.
I have to agree. It's nice to see someone recognized for doing good.

And though I can't stand Tebow, he does seem to have good character and I think is a good role model for all young people.
I wasn't trying to look like a butt with my post, but my point was that there are a lot of people that do charity work and volunteer their time to help with various causes. It just seems to me that he was only being recognized due more to his accomplishments on the field than his accomplishments off the field. I did a quick google search on Florida's Medal of Excellence recipients, and the only links that pointed back to the state government's award was Tebow. Maybe it's just me, but I would have liked to have seen that award go to someone who normally doesn't get recognized for their volunteering accomplishments, but devotes most of their time helping their fellow man.

Anyway not trying to look like a butt, but I'd thought I'd explain my little post. :)
There are a lot of fans out there that like to make fun of Tebow. But, if there is one thing that I don't have a doubt about, it's the character of the family and Tebow himself. I have a friend of mine that is the son of the pastor of their church and he knows the Tebow family very, very well. I trust what he tells me about Tebow and when it comes to the kids character I have the utmost respect for Tim.
ghice said:
I wasn't trying to look like a butt with my post, but my point was that there are a lot of people that do charity work and volunteer their time to help with various causes. It just seems to me that he was only being recognized due more to his accomplishments on the field than his accomplishments off the field. I did a quick google search on Florida's Medal of Excellence recipients, and the only links that pointed back to the state government's award was Tebow. Maybe it's just me, but I would have liked to have seen that award go to someone who normally doesn't get recognized for their volunteering accomplishments, but devotes most of their time helping their fellow man.

Anyway not trying to look like a butt, but I'd thought I'd explain my little post. :)

i agree with you entirely. my mother is the legislative aid to a state representative here in florida, and during session they (legislators and their staffs) sometimes don't finish their workdays until midnight. given the present nature of the florida economy and all of the other critical challenges facing the state (and nation for that matter), i find this sort of action irresponsible and the attention relating to it misguided. the legislators need to realize that their constituencies need them right now to solve problems, not kiss the butt of a student-athlete who needs no further recognition.
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