Fishing in the Gulf


Verified Member
The Weather has Finally started to co-operate
so charter fishing is about to be in Full Swing.

Attached are a few pictures from a week ago
at the Marlin Rig and the beer can rig
about 70 miles south of Orange Beach.
about 2000 feet of water.

Last year I wanted to post pics and videos of
some trolling and amberjack trips. But never got around top it.

I am determined to make that a priority this year.

Fishing was good & the beer was cold.
Thats about as good as it gets.
nothing like fishing in the gulf, if you decide to upload some videos let me know and i can post a link so you can directly put them in a folder if you do not want to put them on youtube
nothing like fishing in the gulf, if you decide to upload some videos let me know and i can post a link so you can directly put them in a folder if you do not want to put them on youtube

Got it and thanks.
I came over on the MayFlower (From
with RTR2006-12 & Bearsnest.

I Free lance deckhand in Orange Beach/Gulf Shores & my geek skills are limited
but i'll post - what i can- as the summer moves along.

One of my customers has a go pro (with a trolling housing)
that he is learning how to use and make you tube videos.
and I have a GoPro- that I can barely turn on.

So between the 2 of use-
we might be able to screw in a lightbulb.
but we catch alot of fish.

Since you guys have this Permanent fishing section.
I'll post whatever we come up with.

The good the bad and the ugly.

There will likely be some Bikini pics in here too.
after all- it is SUMMER.
Lets not loose our heads here !

bought a gopro black a few months ago and was going to use it for turkey hunting but the first video i shot the kid ended up shooting the decoy which was where i had planned on putting the camera so i kept it safe for the time being but plan on breaking it out while bass fishing
Went Saturday- the weather was threating
so we just went for jacks.

And true to form- it RAINED like a pisser

It "mercifully" stoped.
About an hour before we got to the dock.

That was the First time I can remember
that I froze my butt off. In MAY.

And felt like a Prune.
(but the beer fixed that)

Anyway- we caught some fish.
Pics atached.

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Had 3 trips so far this week.
stayed within 20 miles of the beach.
Caught some Cobia-Kings and some Big Sharks.
Biggest Cobia was about 50 lbs.

But the REALLY COOL event is attached below.
At one of the Stand Up single rigs
1 of the Blue Angels- saw us sitting there
and came in about 200 feet off the water
and put on a show.

what you see here is only about 40 seconds
of what was a 10 minute show.

It was pretty awesome.
BM just got around to looking at your pics some good looking fish there! I just happened to notice in the first post there was a ship named "Bourbon", now in my mind I picture the swedish bikini team toting around trays of "Jack and Coke" to everyone fishing...well its a good dream right hehe

IF that DREAM - EVER comes true

Give ole BM a call.

I ALWAYS try- to help a brother out

when-ever he needs it................

Here are a few pics from the last 3 days.

We just happened to be coming thru the pass

right after the boat races eneded.

(Along with several hundred) of our "Closest" friends.

and these 2 boats were within 30 feet of us.

so i am posting this too.

Pretty cool.

Bye the bye- the shadow that you see on (tooth-master-G)

is my head- You can't tell it- but I am holding the leader

that has him "hooked" and its only 80 lb test.

Pretty much all we did - was piss him off.

about 10 seconds later he broke off and swam away.

about 6/7 feet 300 plus lbs.

we catch them EVERY Trip.

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SNAPPER Sason is in Full Bloom
(I'm talking about the FISH)

And thats about all we'll be doing
for the rest of this month.

Attached are a few pics of the
last few days.

The "people" pictures are of Roberts Island
a "newly" favorite spot. To go drinking
/boating/tanning. And hang out
with a Few Hundred- of your "closest" friends.

July 4th and Memorial Day Weekend
there are THOUSANDS
on 2 Islands- about the size of 3 city blocks.

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This is first time in years that I'm not going fishing while at the beach. Had fusion surgery on L5-S1 Thanksgiving and haven't regained enough strength to feel like fishing this year. About 10 years ago I caught a pair of 50 pounders and an 83 lb cobia in one day out of Destin. That was my once in a lifetime fish.
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