| FTBL Filtering News Stories

It Takes Eleven

Quoth the Raven...
Any way to filter news stories that are just junk? Can you exclude key phrases that always mean a crap article, such as "Alabama fans react" or "Touchdown Alabama"?
Any way to filter news stories that are just junk?
Yes. The best option requires money being spent. I can create specific feeds, but the software I've found to do so isn't open source.

The other option is adding advertisements here to cover some of the costs.
Can you exclude key phrases that always mean a crap article, such as "Alabama fans react" or "Touchdown Alabama"?
The last time I looked, no. The feed is powered through a Google search engine.

Several years ago, when I first built the news forum, 'snatching' RSS feeds was easy. Sites started hiding their code: still fairly easy to find. Then, they stopped using RSS feeds UNLESS you used a software package to pull those feeds.

If you'll recall, that's when I built the page that pulled Twitter...until they changed their API settings.

It's a bit of a catch-22 ... not so much unlike when we switched from vBulletin Publishing to Xenforo 1.0: a lot of change for developers to keep up.
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