🏈 Dr. Lou

Red_Tsunami said:
I can't understand why people like to make fun of someone with a speech problem, especially someone that has overcome to be a champion. He brought SC back from the dead. He's a motivational speaker with a speech impediment. That's pretty impresive if you ask me. Who cares if he is a homer? He's earned it. Ya'll are a bunch of losers.

i dont care about his speech stuff, i got respect for what he achieved and all that , what just bothers me is that he thinks he is so entertaining, just annoys me , but maybe i just got a bad sense of humour
Big_Fan said:
Red_Tsunami said:
Red_Tsunami wrote:
Ya'll are a bunch of losers.

Sorry, I just couldn't leave well enough alone. It just bothers me. The signs at Gameday and all.

Personally, I think making fun of his impediment is a bit tasteless, but he IS a public figure and there is a double standard for what is acceptable to make fun of.

People make fun of those who have weight problems and it is ok. Ralph Friedgen and Phil Fulmer have been routinely made fun of on this board and nobody runs to their defense. As someone who has struggled with weight for YEARS, I feel that far more people make fun of and attack the obese than any other group, and it is widely accepted as OK.

I have lost 120# since last summer, but not everyone can do it. Not everyone's weight problems are of their own doing, yet they all get made fun of and verbally attacked. Some people are genetically predisposed to being overweight and all the diet and exercise they can do does not matter...but people still point and stare.

Lou getting made fun of is minor compared to the pain that millions of obese Americans suffer at the hands of others.

So excuse me if I have no problem saying "sheventy-shree sheven-teen"

...dude, you watch too much Oprah :roll:
Crimsonblood82 said:
Big_Fan said:
Red_Tsunami said:
Red_Tsunami wrote:
Ya'll are a bunch of losers.

Sorry, I just couldn't leave well enough alone. It just bothers me. The signs at Gameday and all.

Personally, I think making fun of his impediment is a bit tasteless, but he IS a public figure and there is a double standard for what is acceptable to make fun of.

People make fun of those who have weight problems and it is ok. Ralph Friedgen and Phil Fulmer have been routinely made fun of on this board and nobody runs to their defense. As someone who has struggled with weight for YEARS, I feel that far more people make fun of and attack the obese than any other group, and it is widely accepted as OK.

I have lost 120# since last summer, but not everyone can do it. Not everyone's weight problems are of their own doing, yet they all get made fun of and verbally attacked. Some people are genetically predisposed to being overweight and all the diet and exercise they can do does not matter...but people still point and stare.

Lou getting made fun of is minor compared to the pain that millions of obese Americans suffer at the hands of others.

So excuse me if I have no problem saying "sheventy-shree sheven-teen"

...dude, you watch too much Oprah :roll:

Say it to my face :)
dude, i don't have a problem with you being big and all...and i know some people can't really help it. I was just pointing out that you don't have to make it a big deal.

People will not make a big deal of you being obese, if you don't make a big deal out of it yourself ;)

Just my observation.....

remember that old saying "waist is a terrible thing to mind" :D
Crimsonblood82 said:
dude, i don't have a problem with you being big and all...and i know some people can't really help it. I was just pointing out that you don't have to make it a big deal.

People will not make a big deal of you being obese, if you don't make a big deal out of it yourself ;)

Just my observation.....

remember that old saying "waist is a terrible thing to mind" :D

I'll take Crimsonblood82 is clueless for $100, Alex!

Overweight people are discriminated against more than any other contingent of our society, and it is considered socially acceptable - by and large.

I am not obese now...but I was. I can speak from experience...of course when I was a svelt competitive weightlifter in my early 20's without enough life experience to fill a thimble, I might have agreed with you.
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