| FTBL DJ Hall steals the show

It's good to here that DJ's doing great. Not every great NFL player was a drafted player. There are alot of greats who were free agents. Even though DJ's character was in question a few times, I think he's showing the league that he was a draft worthy player and some teams may regret not taking advantage of him in the draft. Good Luck DJ. Has anyone heard any news about Gilberry or Caddell or the rest of the Bama players that advanced?
I wish the guy luck because he's Bama, but I just don't believe he has the heart, and that's the perception of the NFL. There are many good athletes, receivers out there, I dare won't say a dime a dozen, but you get my drift. There are not enough Bettis', Alexander's, Manning's out there that give it all they have at all costs.
B@MA GUY in NC said:
I wish the guy luck because he's Bama, but I just don't believe he has the heart, and that's the perception of the NFL. There are many good athletes, receivers out there, I dare won't say a dime a dozen, but you get my drift. There are not enough Bettis', Alexander's, Manning's out there that give it all they have at all costs.

you have absolutely no clue about heart... DJ is the best WR Bama has ever had.. made some of the toughest catches Bama fans have EVER seen and you question his heart?

if he didn't have heart he wouldn't have played for Saban or been his goto WR. just because Gary Danielson mentioned DJ was slacking, all you weak minded Bama fans started questioning his heart.. you and fans like you are a complete joke...

question Capps' or K Brown's heart not our best WR ever.
Never doubted the guys ability in my comments....I attended just about all the games in person and I saw DJ loaf more than he made great plays, and while DJ was our go to guy, I comment he was all we had...as far as playing for Saban...he had one year and he wasn't going to quit given his NFL potential....the NFL is not going to take a draft chance on a player that clearly does not play every down he is in a game.
B@MA GUY in NC said:
Never doubted the guys ability in my comments....I attended just about all the games in person and I saw DJ loaf more than he made great plays, and while DJ was our go to guy, I comment he was all we had...as far as playing for Saban...he had one year and he wasn't going to quit given his NFL potential....the NFL is not going to take a draft chance on a player that clearly does not play every down he is in a game.

well i attended a few games myself... but i was only in the pressbox, you may have had a much better view. i have NEVER seen a WR run full speed on EVERY play that wasn't coming his way... maybe you have. You are either over exaggerating or lying if you've seen DJ loaf more than he made GREAT PLAYS.. i'll assume by great plays you mean make a catch. Great plays only happen a time or two a game(if that.. Matt Caddell may have made 3 his whole career)

this was the same guy that went over 1K back to back yrs with a 55% QB. i'm waisting my time here... just think what you will.
ballman, dude, I did not join the forum to argue; you have your opinion and I have mine.
You made a comment about not knowing a receiver out there that never took a play off...two comments there:
1. I saw way more than taking "a" play off...I remember two instances; 1 vs FSU, the other vs. LSU where he loafed off the line of scrimmage without taking the man covering him out of the play, and watched the man covering him make a tackle that saved a 1st down vs. FSU, and a big gainer vs LSU.

2. DJ was looked to as a leader, leaders don't take plays off, not one...that's probably one of the biggest diseases this program is infected with right now, there are players that feel its OK to cruise every so often. Leaders don't cruise, they lead...when young guys see seniors loafing they think its ok to loaf...bs

Here's Saban's philosophy, straight from his book:

• Organization, Organization, Organization
Create an environment where everybody knows his or her responsibilities–and each is responsible to the entire group.
• Motivate to Dominate
Understand the psychology of teams and individuals, and use that knowledge to breed success.
• No Other Way than Right
Practice ethics and values–and demand the same from your team.
• Look in the Mirror
Maintain an understanding of who you are by knowing your strengths and your weaknesses.

If you have never seen a receiver not take a play off that was not coming his way then stay tuned because I fear you will see it in the coming years.

I can think of several other Bama receivers from the past I pick if I had only one choice...Ozzie Newsome, Joey Jones, Jessie Bendrose, Lamond Russell, Greg Richardson, Dennis Homan to name a few.
Any time I start questioning DJ's 'heart' I go to www.youtube.com and type in 'Alabama Tennessee 2007' and then I just thank him instead. His off the field character could be questioned if you are someone who likes to question but as of on the field he's never given me a reason.

Just my .02
Bamasball said:
B@MA GUY in NC said:
Never doubted the guys ability in my comments....I attended just about all the games in person and I saw DJ loaf more than he made great plays, and while DJ was our go to guy, I comment he was all we had...as far as playing for Saban...he had one year and he wasn't going to quit given his NFL potential....the NFL is not going to take a draft chance on a player that clearly does not play every down he is in a game.

well i attended a few games myself... but i was only in the pressbox, you may have had a much better view. i have NEVER seen a WR run full speed on EVERY play that wasn't coming his way... maybe you have. You are either over exaggerating or lying if you've seen DJ loaf more than he made GREAT PLAYS.. i'll assume by great plays you mean make a catch. Great plays only happen a time or two a game(if that.. Matt Caddell may have made 3 his whole career)

this was the same guy that went over 1K back to back yrs with a 55% QB. i'm waisting my time here... just think what you will.

Big time players do not take plays off. They make blocks and take their defender out of the play. You ever see Protho take a play off? He hit people 3 times his size. That is why Pro is a big time player and Hall is not IMO. I wish the dude the best of luck since he is from Bama but he is not my favorite by far.
B@MA GUY in NC said:
ballman, dude, I did not join the forum to argue; you have your opinion and I have mine.

A good way to get into an argument:

Accuse someone of being soft. This IS a forum. I thought you were supposed to discuss opinions here.

Anyways, You don't compile the kinda stats that DJ had if you're soft. As for him not running full speed every play? Don't forget that DJ wasn't 5'7", he's much taller and runs with long strides that make him look slower. He's statistically one of the greatest wide receivers we've ever had and we treat him like some thug.


Thank you DJ.
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