| FTBL DJ Hall speaks on Coach Saban


"Everything he preaches is the right thing. It's just sometimes we didn't go about it that way and it showed. That's nobody's fault but ours. All we had to do was to buy into what Coach was saying. We realize it now, but obviously it's too late."

this was posted by the guy who runs the Bamadog magazine on a myspace bulletin. not sure where DJ said it tho.
This horrible ending of a season was not Sabans fault. His players clearly let him down. They had rythm and finess at the beginning of the year and lost desire and determination at the end. I'm sure the coach is pissed off at most of them for making him look like he hasnt been coaching well enough. Lets weed out the losers and open the door to the warriors we have coming..
--SLOW FINISH: Alabama receiver DJ Hall, who served a half-game suspension during the loss to ULM, actually pinned a season-ending, four-game losing streak on players not listening to Saban.

"Everything he preaches is the right thing. It's just sometimes we didn't go about it that way, and it showed," Hall said. "That's nobody's fault but ours. All we had to do was buy into what Coach was saying. We realize it now, but obviously, it's too late."

Alabama Notebook: Bama, Saban Focused on Recruiting
Bama Bo said:
--SLOW FINISH: Alabama receiver DJ Hall, who served a half-game suspension during the loss to ULM, actually pinned a season-ending, four-game losing streak on players not listening to Saban.

"Everything he preaches is the right thing. It's just sometimes we didn't go about it that way, and it showed," Hall said. "That's nobody's fault but ours. All we had to do was buy into what Coach was saying. We realize it now, but obviously, it's too late."

Alabama Notebook: Bama, Saban Focused on Recruiting

Perhaps the regrets of the seniors will inspire the underclassmen and further cement Saban's standing with recruits. I give Hall credit for acknowledging it.


Bama Bo said:
--SLOW FINISH: Alabama receiver DJ Hall, who served a half-game suspension during the loss to ULM, actually pinned a season-ending, four-game losing streak on players not listening to Saban.

"Everything he preaches is the right thing. It's just sometimes we didn't go about it that way, and it showed," Hall said. "That's nobody's fault but ours. All we had to do was buy into what Coach was saying. We realize it now, but obviously, it's too late."

Alabama Notebook: Bama, Saban Focused on Recruiting

preciate the link. i been trying to find exactly where he said it at.
kinda goes along with a post on Coacheshotseat


4. Nick Saban – What to make of man that seems so unhappy, but that he is very unhappy. How we got to here from the jubilant Nick Saban of his introductory press conference at Alabama, has been caused by many things, but the most obvious is that Saban compromised his principles soon after arriving in Tuscaloosa and it is eating him up inside right now. Last week Saban said that he was not going to sugarcoat it for his players, and we will not sugarcoat it now. Nick Saban arrived in Tuscaloosa to find the country club that Mike Shula had been running at Alabama for 4 years had almost totally decimated any type of discipline and expectations of excellence. Saban faced a key decision early on in the spring to either clean house of about 20 players (many of them starters) that were being disruptive to the team, or to try and motivate those players by both encouragement and punishment. Saban went with the latter and he ended up with a terrible mess on his hands. The players that actually bought into what Saban was preaching rightly felt that players that didn’t really care about the football team were getting special treatment, because they were allowed to stay on the team when it was clear they continued to violate the rules that had been laid down by Saban upon his arrival. One of the key turning points for Saban and this Alabama team was the July 19 arrest of three Alabama players outside of a bar near campus. If you read the arrest records from that incident it is clear that these players acted in an incredibly inappropriate, and what turned out to be illegal manner, but Nick Saban then vacationing at his lake house in north Georgia barely even addressed the issue of the players’ behavior publicly upon his return to Tuscaloosa. At that moment Saban divided his team, and forever cemented with this team at least that his rules were “flexible.” From that non-action grew many other problems within the team that led to many more suspensions from everything to players getting improper benefits to rumors of fighting between players and drug problems. With the loss to Auburn on Saturday Alabama finished the season at 6-6, which is probably exactly the record Saban would have put up if he had tossed the 20 or so troublemakers out upon his arrival in Tuscaloosa. Of course, there is nothing Saban can do about any of this now, except move forward and try to establish some kind of semblance of discipline for what is a football program on the edge of spinning out of control. What do you do when you make a mistake, and when you violate your own principles? You admit it, both to your players and to the public, and you start living by what you preach and that means from this moment forward. We wonder if Saban has it within him to really admit all of the mistakes he has made since his departure from Miami, especially since the coaching tree he is from is not know for coaches that own up their own failings. On top of all of this, Saban has acted like an incredible jackass at his press conferences this year, not realizing that the Alabama media were no more going to challenge him on anything than the German media of Hitler in the 1930s. If you get a chance go to www.myfoxgameday.com and watch some of Saban’s press conferences. There you will find a troubled and conflicted man that knows he has violated his own principles and that it is going to be very hard to undue some of his own actions of the past year. Saban is on the Hot Seat now because of the expectations at Alabama, and if he does not already know it, 6-6 is not going to fly in 2008. In fact, anything less than 8 wins will be unacceptable in ’08 with such a soft schedule, so Saban better not only get to work, he had better man up and admit his mistakes. If he doesn’t we may read stories in two years about the Amazing Fall of Nick Saban.
Coach Saban only got sub-par results with the dolphins. He does not handle these type results very well and I am glad. When he was at LSU you could tell how intense he is and he hates to loose. He will make dang sure he is successful at Alabama. It is critical for his future and pride. Alabama can say the same. It is a perfect marriage between school and coach. He needs us and we need him. Give him time , it won't take long.
planomateo said:
kinda goes along with a post on Coacheshotseat


4. Nick Saban – What to make of man that seems so unhappy, but that he is very unhappy. How we got to here from the jubilant Nick Saban of his introductory press conference at Alabama, has been caused by many things, but the most obvious is that Saban compromised his principles soon after arriving in Tuscaloosa and it is eating him up inside right now. Last week Saban said that he was not going to sugarcoat it for his players, and we will not sugarcoat it now. Nick Saban arrived in Tuscaloosa to find the country club that Mike Shula had been running at Alabama for 4 years had almost totally decimated any type of discipline and expectations of excellence. Saban faced a key decision early on in the spring to either clean house of about 20 players (many of them starters) that were being disruptive to the team, or to try and motivate those players by both encouragement and punishment. Saban went with the latter and he ended up with a terrible mess on his hands. The players that actually bought into what Saban was preaching rightly felt that players that didn’t really care about the football team were getting special treatment, because they were allowed to stay on the team when it was clear they continued to violate the rules that had been laid down by Saban upon his arrival. One of the key turning points for Saban and this Alabama team was the July 19 arrest of three Alabama players outside of a bar near campus. If you read the arrest records from that incident it is clear that these players acted in an incredibly inappropriate, and what turned out to be illegal manner, but Nick Saban then vacationing at his lake house in north Georgia barely even addressed the issue of the players’ behavior publicly upon his return to Tuscaloosa. At that moment Saban divided his team, and forever cemented with this team at least that his rules were “flexible.” From that non-action grew many other problems within the team that led to many more suspensions from everything to players getting improper benefits to rumors of fighting between players and drug problems. With the loss to Auburn on Saturday Alabama finished the season at 6-6, which is probably exactly the record Saban would have put up if he had tossed the 20 or so troublemakers out upon his arrival in Tuscaloosa. Of course, there is nothing Saban can do about any of this now, except move forward and try to establish some kind of semblance of discipline for what is a football program on the edge of spinning out of control. What do you do when you make a mistake, and when you violate your own principles? You admit it, both to your players and to the public, and you start living by what you preach and that means from this moment forward. We wonder if Saban has it within him to really admit all of the mistakes he has made since his departure from Miami, especially since the coaching tree he is from is not know for coaches that own up their own failings. On top of all of this, Saban has acted like an incredible jackass at his press conferences this year, not realizing that the Alabama media were no more going to challenge him on anything than the German media of Hitler in the 1930s. If you get a chance go to www.myfoxgameday.com and watch some of Saban’s press conferences. There you will find a troubled and conflicted man that knows he has violated his own principles and that it is going to be very hard to undue some of his own actions of the past year. Saban is on the Hot Seat now because of the expectations at Alabama, and if he does not already know it, 6-6 is not going to fly in 2008. In fact, anything less than 8 wins will be unacceptable in ’08 with such a soft schedule, so Saban better not only get to work, he had better man up and admit his mistakes. If he doesn’t we may read stories in two years about the Amazing Fall of Nick Saban.

What a load of crap. A fine example of, "if there's no news to report, let's invent some."
Birdman37 said:
"Everything he preaches is the right thing. It's just sometimes we didn't go about it that way and it showed. That's nobody's fault but ours. All we had to do was to buy into what Coach was saying. We realize it now, but obviously it's too late."

this was posted by the guy who runs the Bamadog magazine on a myspace bulletin. not sure where DJ said it tho.

I can't recall BamaDog's real name but that guy has been doing that gig for a long long time now. His site was actually the very first BAMA site I ever visited after getting my first computer. I have not been by there in quite a while.

As far as weeding out the bad crop (as someone mentioned) we should begin to start seeing a lot more of that in the Spring. Before it's all said and done we'll have a team full of kids who are in tune with the process because anyone who isn't won't be around.
porkchop said:
Birdman37 said:
"Everything he preaches is the right thing. It's just sometimes we didn't go about it that way and it showed. That's nobody's fault but ours. All we had to do was to buy into what Coach was saying. We realize it now, but obviously it's too late."

this was posted by the guy who runs the Bamadog magazine on a myspace bulletin. not sure where DJ said it tho.

I can't recall BamaDog's real name but that guy has been doing that gig for a long long time now. His site was actually the very first BAMA site I ever visited after getting my first computer. I have not been by there in quite a while.

As far as weeding out the bad crop (as someone mentioned) we should begin to start seeing a lot more of that in the Spring. Before it's all said and done we'll have a team full of kids who are in tune with the process because anyone who isn't won't be around.

David, I want to say? He was a band member back in the mid 90's. Always wears a Bama hard hat to games. The last time I saw him was in B-ham during the DuBose years...BYU, I think? The last time I communicated with him he was a member of the Dallas Alumni Association.
TerryP said:
porkchop said:
Birdman37 said:
"Everything he preaches is the right thing. It's just sometimes we didn't go about it that way and it showed. That's nobody's fault but ours. All we had to do was to buy into what Coach was saying. We realize it now, but obviously it's too late."

this was posted by the guy who runs the Bamadog magazine on a myspace bulletin. not sure where DJ said it tho.

I can't recall BamaDog's real name but that guy has been doing that gig for a long long time now. His site was actually the very first BAMA site I ever visited after getting my first computer. I have not been by there in quite a while.

As far as weeding out the bad crop (as someone mentioned) we should begin to start seeing a lot more of that in the Spring. Before it's all said and done we'll have a team full of kids who are in tune with the process because anyone who isn't won't be around.

David, I want to say? He was a band member back in the mid 90's. Always wears a Bama hard hat to games. The last time I saw him was in B-ham during the DuBose years...BYU, I think? The last time I communicated with him he was a member of the Dallas Alumni Association.

Yeah. There's a picture of him (or used to be) on his site and he looks like he's a construction worker with a crimson BAMA construction hat in the photo. :lol:
reger60 said:
What a load of crap. A fine example of, "if there's no news to report, let's invent some."

Inventing doesn't bother me as much as not doing homework. This statement....

and if he does not already know it, 6-6 is not going to fly in 2008. In fact, anything less than 8 wins will be unacceptable in ’08 with such a soft schedule,

Soft schedule?? LSU, Tenn, Ark and Georgia are all on the road. Yeah, that's real soft. :roll:
so I didn't post this as something for everyone to get spun up about...who cares what they say.

i was just saying that some of it sounds familiar. i would like to see how many guys either change or leave the process and are playing next year to be honest. i'm sure saban has rubbed some of Shula's recruits the wrong way.
porkchop said:
Birdman37 said:
"Everything he preaches is the right thing. It's just sometimes we didn't go about it that way and it showed. That's nobody's fault but ours. All we had to do was to buy into what Coach was saying. We realize it now, but obviously it's too late."

this was posted by the guy who runs the Bamadog magazine on a myspace bulletin. not sure where DJ said it tho.

I can't recall BamaDog's real name but that guy has been doing that gig for a long long time now. His site was actually the very first BAMA site I ever visited after getting my first computer. I have not been by there in quite a while.

As far as weeding out the bad crop (as someone mentioned) we should begin to start seeing a lot more of that in the Spring. Before it's all said and done we'll have a team full of kids who are in tune with the process because anyone who isn't won't be around.

Yeah, that guy added me on the 'space and I really had no idea who it was. Big time 'Bama fan though so he seems cool to me, lol...Looks like he's on his way back to TTown sometime in the future...

Oh, and he has a pretty sweet ride...

Argo said:
reger60 said:
What a load of crap. A fine example of, "if there's no news to report, let's invent some."

Inventing doesn't bother me as much as not doing homework. This statement....

and if he does not already know it, 6-6 is not going to fly in 2008. In fact, anything less than 8 wins will be unacceptable in ’08 with such a soft schedule,

Soft schedule?? LSU, Tenn, Ark and Georgia are all on the road. Yeah, that's real soft. :roll:

That's exactly what I was going to say Argo. What a moron. Hotseat my ass.
planomateo said:
so I didn't post this as something for everyone to get spun up about...who cares what they say.

i was just saying that some of it sounds familiar. i would like to see how many guys either change or leave the process and are playing next year to be honest. i'm sure saban has rubbed some of Shula's recruits the wrong way.

Yeah, right planomateo. I have been quiet since the AU game for the most part but that little clip you posted got my ire. What do you expect people's reaction to be?

This guy includes enough truth in his article to be very deceitful and, in my opinion, harmful. This guy has a pure agenda and that is to harm recruiting by posting pure and unadulterated untruths. Nick Saban is in his first year as head coach and was left, by all indications, a team with a LOT of issues! This article makes it sound as if Saban is out with less than 8 wins next season and that "weak" schedule includes road games in Baton Rouge, Fayettenam, Knoxhell and Athens plus a possible neutral site contest against a better than average Clemson.

That article is crap, plain and simple and was not worthy to be even posted on this board.
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