Deer Hunting with Golfer Boo Weekley


The Rowdy One
Just getting back from hunting with Boo Weekley and had a wonderful time but no deer to be had this trip :no-no:





I am SO jealous man. I love Boo Weekly. He, Tiger, and Cink have been my top three forever....and well you can guess that one of them has moved down the ranks, so Im pretty jealous man.

I got my first deer this weekend. Always wanted to get into hunting, but my dad never was much into it (he's a Civil War/WWII collector, so all we got is old guns), so I go with my cousin and uncle every Thanksgiving/Christmas. Got a small doe. Hopefully Ill get some more chances to go hunting more often. Ill have to sneak in the Team Doemasters Camp next time Boo shows up.
well me and Boo spent about 16 hours in a shooting house and ladder stand in a day and a half and yes he was very cool and down to earth. He said he would be coming back for sure
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