| FTBL Damien Harris Comments on Malachi Moore [Update: Moore issues apology via social media]

Damien Harris rips Malachi Moore for behavior at end of Alabama loss, questions Kalen DeBoer

Harris did not hold back on his thoughts about how Moore acted and how CKD is engaging the team and holding them accountable.

Hate to see previous players commenting publicly and this could get ugly. I agree with Damien but I do not agree with stating it in a public setting.

I kinda feel like if it had been most anyone else, a non-captain player, Harris wouldn't have said much about it. I'm not a fan of family business being aired publicly, in part because situations like what Moore did will be handled privately (more than likely) by the folks who matter... but, I can also absolutely understand why a guy like Harris who has equity in the program (his fingerprints are all over it), and he's a former captain himself, could be so bothered by what he saw that he felt the comments were necessary. He's no ordinary player.
Hes right. That's bullshit behavior, I hope we actual leaders in this defense who are dealing with him in the locker room. We don't get this shit straightened out now, we'll lose again next week. Go out there, and prepare the right fucking way and this shit won't happen. Goddamn embarrassing the way we played.
Hes right. That's bullshit behavior, I hope we actual leaders in this defense who are dealing with him in the locker room. We don't get this shit straightened out now, we'll lose again next week. Go out there, and prepare the right fucking way and this shit won't happen. Goddamn embarrassing the way we played.

Que Robinson took the right path and handled it well with his comments, IMO. Personally, I was pretty disappointed in the Moore thing when I saw it later... I was headed out when it happened in real time. And while the kicking of the ball was bad (and stupid), the refusal to leave the game was more disturbing.

There's a fine line when a head coach gives his team this much ownership... it requires leaders of the highest order, enforcers in a way. When it works, it can be incredibly rewarding. When it goes off the rails, it can be very destructive. Saban always walked that fine line, but everyone, EVERYONE knew he was the ultimate authority above all else. And he was also the master at putting out fires and managing issues (it's one of the areas where he separated himself from a guy like Kirby for instance). DeBoer gives a longer leash to the players, and that's ok too, but there are times when he's gonna have to tighten it and/or shorten it... Can't just have the pulse of the team, gotta have the respect of it. I think he does, which is why I don't believe this will be a lingering problem.
Didn't realize this had been posted in another thread but given the signficance of a previuos captian calling out a current captain and CKD to some degree probably worth the stand alone thread.

Moore does need to be held accountable and own what he did as not acceptable. The coaches need to hold him accountable and tell him that is not how we do things here. I do not care about NIL, new era etc.... Harris commenting will escalate it in the media even more than it already was. CKD is about to earn his pay as he navigates this one. I am sure CNS will defend CKD and probably say something in a way that sends a message to previous players to keep this in house. Honestly I would not be suprised to see Harris and Moore offer public apologies.
Didn't realize this had been posted in another thread but given the signficance of a previuos captian calling out a current captain and CKD to some degree probably woth the stand alone thread.

Moore does need to be held accountable and own what he did is not acceptable. The coaches need to hold him accountable and tell him that is not how we do things here. I do not care about NIL, new era etc.... Harris commenting will escalate it in the media even more than it already was. CKD is about to earn his pay as he navigates this one. I am sure CNS will defend CKD and probably say something in a way that sends a message to previous players to keep this in house. Honestly I would not be suprised to see Harris and Moore offer public appologies.

He has done that with the team. All else will be handled quietly, as it should be.
I have no problem with what DH said and how he said it. It’s already out there, everyone is already talking about it. I think Wommack should’ve got in his ass and said get off the field or your done here…. And Deboer should back him up on that…

This is why I couldn’t coach in this day and age. I’d have dragged his ass off the field and he wouldn’t see it again for a while.

Now i understand being pissed off and wanting to tear someone’s head off. Get in the locker room and pitch your fit in there!!
Is it any wonder we got our a$$ beat with leaders acting like this? Boy has some mental problems. This was a manifestation of it and we saw it. Betting the players already knew this about him.
Maybe Alabama should form a “Legacy group” kind of like the Hurricanes…Getting into games free and over on the sidelines talking about “the good ole days” during games, at nauseam.. There is a rumor that Lamar Thomas is banned..because Teague easily ran him down and took his ball way..
I agree more with what Que Robinson said and calling him out for unacceptable behavior. I don't mind the fire and being upset, but there was 60 minutes in the game. Alabama's defense had a chance to showcase their emotions and try to get a stop to allow the offense to potentially win the game. It wasn't until they got bullied over and time was running down that everyone got pissed.

Harris is frustrated because he's not seeing the same discipline or approach. Which is fine; Deboer has his way of doing things. But I do think there's a time a place for everything. Even if you're not a fiery "raw raw" type guy, if you're consistently seeing poor effort and guys not rising to the challenge, there's got to be something done to light a fire in their ass. I hate the excuse that you can't do that to players nowadays. You absolutely can, and the best players will respond positively to toughness.
Is it any wonder we got our a$$ beat with leaders acting like this? Boy has some mental problems. This was a manifestation of it and we saw it. Betting the players already knew this about him.
Somebody should tell Moore to learn to mediate and positive self talk… getting that pissed takes way his fine motor skills and critical thinking.. I still say they need a penalty or cooling off box, for individual players, like hockey.. for stupid penalties and violent behavior..
I agree more with what Que Robinson said and calling him out for unacceptable behavior. I don't mind the fire and being upset, but there was 60 minutes in the game. Alabama's defense had a chance to showcase their emotions and try to get a stop to allow the offense to potentially win the game. It wasn't until they got bullied over and time was running down that everyone got pissed.

Harris is frustrated because he's not seeing the same discipline or approach. Which is fine; Deboer has his way of doing things. But I do think there's a time a place for everything. Even if you're not a fiery "raw raw" type guy, if you're consistently seeing poor effort and guys not rising to the challenge, there's got to be something done to light a fire in their ass. I hate the excuse that you can't do that to players nowadays. You absolutely can, and the best players will respond positively to toughness.
It would be nice if they reach out to CKD first about how they feel, instead of pundits that hate Alabama… as a matter of fact all the legendary players should call a meeting with him and the coaching staff… now if they want to call out the player, that’s fine..especially if they’re NIL players..
It would be nice if they reach out to CKD first about how they feel, instead of pundits that hate Alabama… as a matter of fact all the legendary players should call a meeting with him and the coaching staff… now if they want to call out the player, that’s fine..especially if they’re NIL players..
Seems like a dangerous slope IMO. I think Saban respects him enough to allow him to run the program as he wants without meddling in. I wouldn't want alumni coming in to tell me how to run my program, especially when they have no prior coaching experience.

I'd rather see Deboer reach out and ask for advice. Oats did it prior to the Final Four run and it helped. Lot of resources for him.
Seems like a dangerous slope IMO. I think Saban respects him enough to allow him to run the program as he wants without meddling in. I wouldn't want alumni coming in to tell me how to run my program, especially when they have no prior coaching experience.

I'd rather see Deboer reach out and ask for advice. Oats did it prior to the Final Four run and it helped. Lot of resources for him.
I was just trying suggesting that because CKD is kind of getting blindsided by “the legends”.. He is a great coach but he is green on the Alabama job..Damien should’ve tried to call him first IMO before damning the staff..But calling an NFL Lite player OUT making $$$ is just fine..
Didn't realize this had been posted in another thread but given the signficance of a previuos captian calling out a current captain and CKD to some degree probably worth the stand alone thread.

Moore does need to be held accountable and own what he did as not acceptable. The coaches need to hold him accountable and tell him that is not how we do things here. I do not care about NIL, new era etc.... Harris commenting will escalate it in the media even more than it already was. CKD is about to earn his pay as he navigates this one. I am sure CNS will defend CKD and probably say something in a way that sends a message to previous players to keep this in house. Honestly I would not be suprised to see Harris and Moore offer public apologies.
Moore should he held accountable, no doubt. It will he interesting to see how CKD handles this.

In terms of a public apology, I wouldn't hold my breath.
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