Concerning Boz


Gentleman Extraordinaire
I've recently talked with Boz, and he's willing to come back and be a part of this site. Can you guys be accepting and treat him fairly?
What about @Birdman37 , he doesn't seem too arbitrary. Can he be decent and respectful?

If Boz comes back and makes a practice report, it must be in real time and he has to take a selfie of himself at practice in a pose of @Birdman37 's choosing.

Trust but verify, I say.

Hell no! What if he's right most of the time. What if he's wrong once or twice? I just couldn't deal with it. I couldn't!! Mis-information is the scourge of my soul!
Boz gonna eat crow and come back... :rolf:

I thought he was pretty clear when he left on his feelings and promising to never come back. Perhaps @Augustus McCrae can chime in on putting things in writing again...

Well he said he would consider coming back, if you guys would refrain from being "knuckle dragging c o c k f a c e s"

His words, not mine.
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