| FTBL Clemson fans...


Proud Bama Grad
should really be ashamed of they way they acted post game. I know not all, and every fan base has their fair share of bad ones.

But they were trashing the parking lot we were in throwing bottles, trash cans, etc. I've never seen that happen after a college game. I was shocked. I would have snapped a pic but it might have angered them more. Ive been mad after losses in the past 9 years as a season ticket hodler, but not enough to destroy property and endager others.

Roll Tide!
Tider27 said:
Well obviously drunk Clemson fans like to riot, and after that beat down...I don't blame them.

ROFL most of them were pushing their way out of the stadium. They could not get out fast enough.
BamaDevO said:
rammerjammer said:
I rode the MARTA on the way out and they were as quiet as church mice around me????

My goodness...the Marta line was crowded!!!

I'm just glad nobody stumbled on there way in, or they would have been trampled. It was our first time riding the Marta and the trip back was a little confusing....but we made it :D
EABAMA said:
BamaDevO said:
rammerjammer said:
I rode the MARTA on the way out and they were as quiet as church mice around me????

My goodness...the Marta line was crowded!!!

I'm just glad nobody stumbled on there way in, or they would have been trampled. It was our first time riding the Marta and the trip back was a little confusing....but we made it :D

You are lucky indeed! Wow...I was amazed as I crossed the street to look over at that mess..it was crazy.
Glad you made it back safe and sound after a good ole Bama butt kickin'!
Red_Tsunami said:
Marta westbound crowd wasn't too bad. Eastbound was out of control.

Eastbound was nuts, indeed. We headed east back to Five Points and up to Midtown on the north line back to my office, and things were Tokyo packed. Most Clemson fans were quiet, very few loud drunks, and I saw no rowdiness to speak of.
Clemson has some respect for us and our fan base!
This was posted this morning on a popular clemson forum.

The Bama fan sitting next to me was very hospitable. Told me he could not believe how Bama was moving the ball against us.

or this one....

I was sitting in the mezzanine section 205, my back against the club level boxes. The Bama fans in the box down the aisle from me kept harrassing the Clemson fans below them with profanity, ice, beer, and bits of food. It took several calls to stadium security but finally the cops showed up and arrested two women and one man. It was the only good play of the game aside from Spiller's KO TD. I thought Georgia fans were the worst, but this display was truly pathetic.
it was definitely the best experience i've had with SEC fans which surprised me. They didn't even seem to do to many chants after the game around me which was really surprising considering the game.

those guys knew football and were very nice. I didn't say a word but I could hear them asking what in the #### was our coaching staff doing? I heard one of them comment that although they enjoyed thrashing us....there was no excuse for them doing so. On the train the fans were cordial and said nothing about the butt kicking they handed us. All in all they were really nice. I have had a bunch of dealings with Bama fans over my lifetime and have always found them to be a class act. Of course there are always the idiots in the crowd...even we have them....but in my opinion Bama is a class act and always has been.

Clemson is still in shock that they lost!!!
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