| FTBL CBS Rocks! Give Lund/Danielson an Emmy for this one!!!


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NOT! That was absolutely grueling to listen to those two knuckheads tonight! If one of us had that kind of performance at work... We would be jobless for sure. How do they continue to excel at their work?

Ps.. That "McCain" did have one helluv a game though. :lol:
BamaFisher said:
Well...I just hope someone walks into his office tomorrow and says "It's Mc-EL-WAIN you idiot -- not Mc-IL-WINE." How many times did he spout of that gem tonight?!?!?

37 1/2 times tonight!
McElwine was at least closer than when he called him Jim Applewhite....then he went to MElwine, so he improved...The McCain one id the one that kills me, It is in great big letters on the back of his jersey, MCCLAIN.
I said it it a 100 times tonight to my family the very same thing. I can not stand Vern. I will listen to Eli next week and just watch the game on t.v. Oh by the way did you hear Vern call Marquis Maze , Marqhuiz Maze. What an idiot
While i admit Eli does have his "moments" i have always preferd listening to the Alabama radio guys over the TV guys. I don't lknow/understand why everyone knocks Eli and the guys. they do an ok job. could be better i'll admit. But even thier worst is better than the two morrons CBS has.

Given the choice of listing to Vern & co. call the game or a Vasectomy via BLOWTORCH and litening to Eli while i'm getting it.....

I'll take the D@mn blowtorch every time bro.
it was stellar tonight. lets see according to vern that was stovers 1st career touchdown. its demetrius good. Griffins 1st carry of the year was tonight. then the mccain and mclewine deal.
Ok I'll bite...what's wrong with Eli's broadcast? You will not find a more objective, clear, and concise broadcast from any other collegiate radio network. If you want to b***h about Eli, listen to Rod Bramblet complain about every single call against Auburn, or LSU's announcers bash Les Miles and the players, or Florida's announcer have a wet dream everytime the gayturds score. Really, guys....honestly. Nobody can be perfect on the air. Eli is by far the best play by play guy in the SEC and one of the best in the nation.
rolltyroll said:
Ok I'll bite...what's wrong with Eli's broadcast? You will not find a more objective, clear, and concise broadcast from any other collegiate radio network. If you want to b***h about Eli, listen to Rod Bramblet complain about every single call against Auburn, or LSU's announcers bash Les Miles and the players, or Florida's announcer have a wet dream everytime the gayturds score. Really, guys....honestly. Nobody can be perfect on the air. Eli is by far the best play by play guy in the SEC and one of the best in the nation.

Everyone has their own opinion. I've never really liked Eli much for some reason.
rolltyroll said:
Ok I'll bite...what's wrong with Eli's broadcast? You will not find a more objective, clear, and concise broadcast from any other collegiate radio network. If you want to b***h about Eli, listen to Rod Bramblet complain about every single call against Auburn, or LSU's announcers bash Les Miles and the players, or Florida's announcer have a wet dream everytime the gayturds score. Really, guys....honestly. Nobody can be perfect on the air. Eli is by far the best play by play guy in the SEC and one of the best in the nation.

I've had problems in the past with the way Eli paints a picture of what's happening on the field with his comentary. There are times in a game when I have no idea what is going on because Eli just isn't doing a very good job explaining what is happening on the field. One example is the way he over-uses the phrase "stutter step move". He uses that to mean a slide step, breaking an arm table, the RB putting his head down, and a number of other moves so it's hard to know exactly what the RB is doing when he says that.

I've also criticized Eli for not giving the score and time left often enough. I even made a game of it and noticed that in one game Eli went over 20 minutes without giving a score update. It's not hard to keep up with it in a football game, but in a basketball game it used to be really annoying. Probably the main reason he doesn't call those games anymore.

I didn't mean to open up a can of worms... I personally love Eli. His passion for BAMA certainly shines through. Yes he has his moments but who doesn't? There is something about Eli's voice that's gets me fired up. ANYTHING.. is better than CBS. It is insulting to us as fans that these morons come in week after week unprepared. I've tried in the past to match Eli w/ the TV but it was off in time and driving me nuts. Guess I'll have to try again. Roll Tide!
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