| CURRENT EVENTS California offers $100 million to rescue its struggling legal marijuana industry

Many cannabis growers, retailers and manufacturers have struggled to make the transition from a provisional, temporary license to a permanent one renewed on an annual basis — a process that requires a costly, complicated and time-consuming review of the negative environmental effects involved in a business and a plan for reducing those harms.

And there is a big part of your answer. Onerous regulation kills the legal industry. Then we have:

Supporters of legalization blame the discrepancy on problems that they say include high taxes on licensed businesses, burdensome regulations and the decision of about three-quarters of cities in California not to allow cannabis retailers in their jurisdictions.

California, he only state that could make it harder to sell pot legally than illegally.
California may have the most unfriendly terms to any industry thus the exodus of business and people. Last year was the first year since statehood that their population declined. All governments at all levels are merely greedy mob bosses. Taxing into oblivion is any governments inclination.

A question for everyone. Has the black market become the free market economy in this instance? Goods and services are like anything else, they will follow the path of least resistance. I will point out that a state monopoly initiated the sequence of events that resulted in the death of a man over selling unlicensed cigarettes in NYC.
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California, he only state that could make it harder to sell pot legally than illegally.
South Carolina is still struggling through medical marijuana so anything in this state is here illegally. What I find crazy is this. The prices here are cheaper than California for the exact same product; on the "black market." By exactly the same..down to the strain, brand name, and dispensaries.
South Carolina is still struggling through medical marijuana so anything in this state is here illegally. What I find crazy is this. The prices here are cheaper than California for the exact same product; on the "black market." By exactly the same..down to the strain, brand name, and dispensaries.
Market ceiling there may still be too high.
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