| CURRENT EVENTS California About to legalize discrimination against non minorities?

That state has been circling the bowl for years now , I wish it would just go ahead and finish the flush . Unfortunately all the residents are leaving these states cause of their policies but they residents are bringing their far left voting ideas with them , that will eventually drag down all these other states like Florida , Texas , Georgia...
In a haze these days, I pull up to the stop light,
I can feel that something's not right.
I can feel that someone's blasting me with hate,
And bass, sending dirty vibes my way.
Cause my Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandad,
Made someone's Great, Great, Great, Great Grandaddies slaves.
It wasn't my idea, it wasn't my idea, never was my idea.
I just drove to the store for some Preparation-H. :)
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