Bryan College student hits lay up, free throw, 3 pointer, AND half-court shot to win $10,000



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Bryan College student Gustavo Angel Tamayo made a lay-up, a free throw, a 3-pointer and a half-court shot in succession to win $10,000 in tuition money Monday night.

Tamayo, a soccer player who grew up in England, has never played competitive basketball. He doesn't even take throw-ins for his soccer team, he said.

"It's just football [soccer], that's all I do," he said. "And I had a broken finger on my left hand."

The school used two video cameras to ensure that Tamayo shot from behind the line and within the time limit.

"I'm not sure there's a tougher contest," said Don Rekoske, basketball coach at Bryan College. "He had to go four for four, and you have to be hurried to make it within 30 seconds. It's a very tough contest to win, but when you win you get paid for it. He won $10,000; some will probably go toward his school bill and some in his pocket."

Tamayo, a senior, made all four shots on his first attempt and beat the 30-second timer by a couple of seconds. The secret, he said, is concentration.

"It's just an amazing feeling," Tamayo said. "It was awesome to share it with all my friends."

Some of his friends are also hoping to get a piece of his winnings. And since he's a senior with his school tuition already paid for, the soccer player says he's feeling a sudden bout of generosity coming on.

"Everyone wants a piece of the pie, so I guess I'm just going to hand out $1 bills," he said.
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