| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Blade Runner 2


Crimson Freak
Don't know yet if it will have a title or just be called "part 2". Evidently Ridley Scott will not be directing it (he is doing the sequel to Prometheus) but he hand a hand in the screenplay and I believe will be producing it.

Blade Runner 2 director opens up about tackling the iconic sci-fi franchise

After helping get plans for a Blade Runner followup off the ground, original director Ridley Scott stepped back and passed the baton to Denis Villeneuve. So, what does the newcomer think about playing in one of the most iconic sci-fi sandboxes in history?

Villeneuve chatted with Collider about the untitled Blade Runner sequel, and revealed that original star Harrison Ford was apparently a part of the project “right from the start,” before he was even brought into the fold. That’s interesting, and it stands to reason Ford was one of the make-or-break aspects of getting the project off the ground from a creative standpoint.

He couldn’t divulge much about the plot, but did tease that it will be a standalone story that still connects back to the original tale (which makes sense, since Ford is attached). Check out a few choice excerpts from the interview below:

“The movie will be autonomous and at the same time there will be some link, but I cannot talk too much about it. The only thing I can say is I was raised with the original cut, the original version that Ridley doesn’t like. That’s the Blade Runner that I was introduced to at the beginning and that I loved for years, and then I must say that I’m someone that appreciated the very last cut, the [Final Cut] version. So between all the different cuts, for me it’s the first and the very last that I’m more inspired by…

For me it’s like a monument. So when I realized one day that they put in front of me the Blade Runner project screen play, for me I was very moved to have this honor to read the screenplay, but I accepted to do it because I felt that Hampton Fancher, Ridely Scott and Michael Green did a fantastic job on the screenplay. It’s a very powerful screenplay. And I felt that it made sense to me and I had the Ridley Scott blessing. But you ask if I hesitated. I hesitated massively. It took me a lot of time to say yes. Not because I didn’t believe in it, because I was like ‘Who am I to dare to touch that?’ And at the same there’s a part of me that said, ‘I’m a hardcore fan, I don’t want to f*ck that up.’”

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