Marcus was at the Fort Payne game Friday night with his dad.He made a lot of kids day signing autographs.He was real nice to the kids and took time to talk and sign their stuff.I do not think he got to see any of the game.I have known his dad my whole life and Marcus used to hang out with my nephew and graduated with my daughter.I have always thought he was a good kid.Just Wanted to thank him for taking the time out for the kids.Would also like to say i know he has gotten slack on here and other message boards.A lot of people do not think he is that good.He Is a good athlete.I watched him play high school ball and he was a much better HB.He now plays FS at a major D1 college so he has to be a pretty good athlete.SO Thank you Marcus, and all the players that do this all the time.Also porter you may like to know this fort Payne team is the real deal.Hope you get to see them play.