Besides losing a wager, how do you lose Bamabucks?

I'm sorry I stay up late at night when I know most of you all are sleeping.:shock: I only slim off just a little so it not notice, but I did to much with you.:oops: Hey I'm missing some BamaBucks too!! Hey what give!!:grumble:
@TerryP, can you help me out here? Please see my original post.

Shit, sorry Wayne. This is the first time I've seen this thread.

I don't have an answer to what's happening. It's the first time I've become aware of this happening.

I'll start looking at this in a bit. My first thought is look at your banking transactions and see if you see deductions, and from where. I know there's a transactions record, and I know it's fairly visible. HOWEVER, I don't know where I parked it...
Your transaction history is under "Bank." It's part of the drop down menu.

If you go to "Your Profile Page," you'll see it in the top navbar, between "Forums" and "Sportsbook." Click on transaction history and tell me what you're seeing...

(Your profile page can be found with a left click on your username or by the drop down menu at the top, icon of a person beside your inbox (envelope))
@TerryP one example that happened last night was I posted the SEC week 4 Power Rating and received $25 for doing so. Then today it was "reversed" and deducted from my Bamabucks total. It has been happening for some time. I thought it might be because I posted a "member only" post from Rivals on this website. Guilty as charged there but the odd thing is some get through and I get paid for them. Sometimes the pay will be "reversed" and then deducted.

Look at # 4 and 5 below.

  1. Bank
    Bonus postingview
    Proceeded (Today at 1:41 PM)
  2. Bank
    Bonus postingview
    Proceeded (Today at 1:38 PM)
  3. Bank
    Bonus being liked in a postview
    Proceeded (Today at 11:09 AM)
  4. Bank
    Bonus postingview
    Reversed (Today at 11:09 AM)
  5. Bank
    Bonus postingview
    Proceeded (Yesterday at 6:06 AM)

Thanks for your help. And Terry, it's not life or death so don't spend a lot of your time on it. I know you're busy.

@Bamabww Thanks for pasting that record. That helped.

This is a "son of a bitch" type of issue. By that, I mean I thought I had put transactions behind me and it rears its ugly head again.

I'm curious. How did you notice the deductions?

When I was setting up the bank it was sending a notification on every transaction...that was a pain to get rid of and it's the primary reason I parked the bank records in the profile area instead of the main least, as I recall. Whatever it was, it stopped the notifications!

Looking at mine it looks like it's directly related to when a post is liked. There's payment for both, but one is deducted before the other applied. Why? I am not sure.

@rick4bama No. Not the bookie. HOWEVER, it did dawn on me it's working just like a tax...and there are tax options built in to both the bookie with sportsbook and the bank with Bamabucks. The issue may be there...
I'm curious. How did you notice the deductions?

@TerryP , At the first of the season, I looked at the transaction history and saw that I had been "liked" for a post I made and when I revisited the site a few hours later, I had lost the bonus. After that I kept a closer watch on the account and saw it kept happening. One time I replied in a thread that I was the OP and it deducted again so I thought the system had penalized me for replying to my own thread. I tried to figure it out over the next couple of months and when no one else complained about it, thought it might be just be a glitch in my account.

That's why I started this thread. Well, that and I couldn't figure out how to send a PM to you.
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