| FTBL Besides all the praise any1 else see us blow up?

Outlaw said:
Maybe you didn't recognize that we were almost doubled in offensive production.

So with all the talent that LSU has, will we use the same excuse when we play the BARN? Seeing how everyone wants to use TALENT as a leveling stick to some how right all our metal errors we made. If you line it up on paper BARN as more ***** players than us correct.

Yea Outlaw I seen the production, did you see us blow two leads? :lol: As CNS stated players made the plays when it counted. I'm glad we are turning the ship. This game is over it's a shame we didn't capitalize on the opportunities we had in front of us.

After such a hard fought game MSU will be a pumped up to play us. You can bet CROOM wants to be ALABAMA. So we better strap it up for a tough MSU team.
porkchop said:
The bottom line is Alabama had every opportunity to win this football game but they couldn't make the plays when it mattered most. No, LSU did not play like a #3 football team but they did play like a WINNING football team and sometimes that's all that matters.

That's pretty much my take on it as well. Maybe we should have won the game but we really didn't make the key plays when it mattered most. We certainly didn't handle the LSU pressure at the end well at all.

I think we're going to be fine in the long run, but it wont happen over night. It's going to take some time, some coaching, and some recruiting to get this program back where we all want it.

It also would have been very nice to have a running game to turn to burn a little time off the clock.
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