TheChief said:Bama 12
WK 6
No one scores a td.
rammajamma said:TheChief said:Bama 12
WK 6
No one scores a td.
Yea I predicted 10-3 and many many "put JPW on the bench" threads.
RollTideRandy said:Bama 462
W. Kentucky 0
ExiledTidefan said:I'm not bashin' here, or hatin', but anyone who could possibly guess the score this week and come ANYWHERE close is a darn clairvoyant!!! After the past two weeks, check, the past 10 years, I have no idea which team will show up!!
Main Entry:
1clair·voy·ant Listen to the pronunciation of 1clairvoyant
French, from clair clear (from Latin clarus) + voyant, present participle of voir to see, from Latin vidēre — more at wit
1 : having clairvoyance : able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception <claims> 2 : of or relating to clairvoyance <clairvoyant>
— clair·voy·ant·ly adverb
ExiledTidefan said:I'm bashin' here, and hatin', but anyone who could possibly guess the score this week and come ANYWHERE close is most likely named the_rolltide (he is always right)!!! After the past two weeks, check, the past 10 years, I have no idea which team will show up!! but ILL pm the_rolltide to ask for his guidance on the matter!!