| FOOD Aunt Jemima brand name, imagery ending after 131 years


PepsiCo, the parent company of Quaker Oats, said the Aunt Jemima brand name and imagery is coming to an end, it announced Wednesday.
Media outlets, including AdAge and AdWeek, reported that the name and imagery on the 131-year-old brand of pancake syrup and mix will change, though it’s not yet known to what.

“We are starting by removing the image and changing the name,” said Kristin Kroepfl, vice president and chief marketing officer of Quaker Foods North America, in a statement. “We will continue the conversation by gathering diverse perspectives from both our organization and the Black community to further evolve the brand and make it one everyone can be proud to have in their pantry.”

The change will be phased in, with the imagery discontinued for Aunt Jemima packaging in the last three months of 2020, followed by the change to whatever brand name and imagery takes its place, Ad Age said.

I don't get why Aunt Jemima Syrup is racist. I tried to buy a bottle today and they have already pulled them. Could become a valuable collectors bottle. That brand was around since the late 1800. Many black women have portrayed her over the years. It is a shame that our history is getting erased. That is one that should make any person proud. I was raised on that stuff. The pancakes too.
Have you seen ms butterworth bottle. LOL
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I spoke too soon. Butterworth may get tagged as well.

I've heard "Quaker" confused with "cracker" for those of us with tinnitus, so it's just oats from now on.
Those three kids appropriating soul melodies - Snap, Crackle and Pop - they got to go.
Chevrolet Suburban reeks of redlining - gone.

I can just feel the murder rate in Chicago falling.
pussies.....this planet is turning into a world of pussies. all of a sudden, everything is racist and we must change it all.

when do we start taking down the statues/monuments of martin luther king, jr.? i'm offended by those statues and they must come down. or does my being white mean i'm not allowed to be offended?

i'm getting really fucking sick and tired of all the bullshit. first, the stupidness of covid-19 and all the bullshit that comes with it (most of which is unfounded and isn't needed and just plain idiotic). then, we have "everything is racist so we must take it all down". this country is circling the toilet and all the liberal assholes are the ones with their fingers on the handle. antifah, blm, they're all a bunch of little bitches that scream about inequality and racism. yet when they act, all they show is inequality and racism.

i fear there is a storm coming and there's nowhere to hide. but what's worse is that it may take this country with it, when it blows. our forefathers would be ashamed at what we've become.
all of a sudden, everything is racist and we must change it all.
Spitballing here...but I have wonder about ol' Colonel Sanders. Colonel, Civil War era, right? Dresses like an old plantation owner to put it mildly. And, AND, he's an old white guy? 🙃

Honestly, if KFC gets canceled I'm good. Their food hasn't been good in a quarter of a century, no, longer. Hell, you can get fried chicken at 7-11 that probably tastes just as good (certainly smells just as bad.) And damn, 7-11 delivers now through Uber Eats, Doordash, et. al. now.
@It Takes Eleven



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