| FTBL Article on new contract




I was right there with you, Tony until point number 5.

5. Keep the three Daves: I feel badly for my friends at Raycom, who are really the only losers in this deal. Raycom, which carries the 12:30 p.m. game, got squeezed out when ESPN decided it wanted to own all of the television rights not belonging to CBS. Raycom will still do the early SEC games this season, which is the last in the current deal. Next season ESPN Regional Television (ERT) will handle the syndicated package of games.

This is just one man’s opinion, but if ESPN is smart, they’ll keep the same broadcast team of Dave Neal, Dave Archer, and Dave Baker to do the early SEC games. In fact, the SEC should insist on it. Continuity is important, especially in the over the air package of games, which has played an important role in the growth of the conference on TV. It’s just something to think about.
Be careful what you wish for. (im not endorsing the Daves FWIW)

but how would Granny Holtz, Bill Curry (i know hes coaching some Div 8 team now), or some women :shock: (no offense to women but they dont belong in the booth for football IMO) sound during an SEC game. Fran is working ESPN radio.....cant wait for him to get the upgrade to TV :roll:
How about ESPN for the broadcast and take away the delay on the radio to listen to Eli.

Although grateful to see the game on t.v.,here are a few issues that bothered me from LFN or Raycom or whatever they are now.

  • The purple pill image
    The game was always close even if another team was blowing out the other.
    Coming back from commercial and miss the previous play.
    Listening to these yahoos talk about the game.
I know that ESPN has faults as well, but Raycom tops my list.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Be careful what you wish for. (im not endorsing the Daves FWIW)

but how would Granny Holtz, Bill Curry (i know hes coaching some Div 8 team now), or some women :shock: (no offense to women but they dont belong in the booth for football IMO) sound during an SEC game. Fran is working ESPN radio.....cant wait for him to get the upgrade to TV :roll:

We're probably going to catch he** Lenny, but I agree 100% with you. I've watched ESPN football coverage and they do have atleast one female that does football (her name escapes me) and I just hate listening to the broadcast. Not that she's a woman so much. Moreso that's she's just not that good at it.

Personally, I would prefer to female commentators stick to WNBA or softball, but that's because I'm a male chauvaust pig. :D
bama4life said:
How about ESPN for the broadcast and take away the delay on the radio to listen to Eli.

Although grateful to see the game on t.v.,here are a few issues that bothered me from LFN or Raycom or whatever they are now.

  • The purple pill image
    The game was always close even if another team was blowing out the other.
    Coming back from commercial and miss the previous play.
    Listening to these yahoos talk about the game.
I know that ESPN has faults as well, but Raycom tops my list.

My name is Swamptick and I approve of this post.
Swamptick said:
bama4life said:
How about ESPN for the broadcast and take away the delay on the radio to listen to Eli.

Although grateful to see the game on t.v.,here are a few issues that bothered me from LFN or Raycom or whatever they are now.

  • The purple pill image
    The game was always close even if another team was blowing out the other.
    Coming back from commercial and miss the previous play.
    Listening to these yahoos talk about the game.
I know that ESPN has faults as well, but Raycom tops my list.

My name is Swamptick and I approve of this post.

Swamptick for President
porkchop said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Be careful what you wish for. (im not endorsing the Daves FWIW)

but how would Granny Holtz, Bill Curry (i know hes coaching some Div 8 team now), or some women :shock: (no offense to women but they dont belong in the booth for football IMO) sound during an SEC game. Fran is working ESPN radio.....cant wait for him to get the upgrade to TV :roll:

We're probably going to catch he** Lenny, but I agree 100% with you. I've watched ESPN football coverage and they do have atleast one female that does football (her name escapes me) and I just hate listening to the broadcast. Not that she's a woman so much. Moreso that's she's just not that good at it.

Personally, I would prefer to female commentators stick to WNBA or softball, but that's because I'm a male chauvaust pig. :D

In my experience, this feeling is widespread, even among woman. Even my girlfriend, who is a marginal College Football Fan (now that Brady Quinn is in the NFL) hates the sound of a woman commentating on a football game. If I flip by a game that has Pam Ward on there she tells me to "flip it."It just doesn't sound natural whatsoever.
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