| PRO Article on Bozeman and his wife. Brad, playing in the NFL, the two of them living in an RV.


(Nikki Hegstetter, A-Club, WBB.)

Which at a glance looks like what I'd call a fifth wheel kind of camper. Still nice set up for camping.

I know a couple where the husband worked locally for Boeing for two years. They bought one, lived here, and now have returned to the house in NC they've owned all along. In the right space, it's a comfortable surrounding.

The Bozemans first considered buying one about a year ago. They wanted to travel the country during the offseason and were looking for a cheaper home base, so it made a lot of sense.

“We didn’t feel secure in buying a house and we were tired of renting. Rent around here is expensive! Alabama is pretty cheap,” Bozeman said. “So we bought the RV, and we’re saving I think $1,800 a month.”

That also includes free WiFi and cable through the RV park’s hub, which is a nice perk for a thrifty guy who also loves to buy used things off Facebook Marketplace.

This RV ain’t exactly roughing it. They still sleep on a king-size bed. There’s a spare bedroom, full living room and full kitchen. They can’t have more than one person in the bathroom at a time, but who really needs two in there anyway?

“It’s a small house pretty much,” Bozeman said. “It’s been a lot of fun. We haven’t killed each other yet (laughs).”

Bozeman’s teammates gave him a hard time about it when he moved into the RV full-time in March, after taking it north to New York, south to Alabama, and back.

“Boze is a character, man. I remember last year when he was talking about buying the RV. It was the countriest thing I’ve heard in my life,” right tackle Orlando Brown Jr. said with a big laugh. “Boze is very much himself. He definitely lives a different lifestyle than most in the NFL, for sure.”

This offseason, the Bozemans are going to pull anchor and hit the road for a good cause. On Feb. 10 – not long after the Super Bowl – they’ll start a cross-country trip in which they’ll stop at 22 schools to talk to kids about bullying. It’s something that impacted both Bradley and Nikki greatly growing up.

He the only one that I know of that had Barners pulling for Alabama while he was at Bama! Well, at least here in Randolph County! He does something to help kids out that are being bullied. I bet you anything those kids that bullying Brandley are his best friend now! Well, the way that they tell it!
My dad lived out of a travel trailer for a decade, back in the 80's. We had a house(that he built and I was the gopher for) in NE AL but his job was in TN south of Knoxville. He would come home on weekends, during the school year, until I was old enough to stay at home by myself, legally(18). Me and mom would go up and spend the summers there, again until I was 18. They stayed up there full time after then, until he retired. I would come home from JSU on every other weekend, to check on the house.
Lived in one during college for a short while to save $. Wasn’t bad living except when it rained and me and the roommate had to stay inside. The walls would close in on you and cabin fever set in fast.
Lived in one during college for a short while to save $. Wasn’t bad living except when it rained and me and the roommate had to stay inside. The walls would close in on you and cabin fever set in fast.

Yeah. Kinda enclosed for inside living.
Had friend that stayed in one for a year after katrina destryed his place. Said he never would go camping and stay in one again
I worked a construction job between semesters in T-town and had to live in one similar to this with two others. Tiny shower. No fun.
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