Anyone here serve in the military?


First, thank you for your service.

Considering going into JAG and want as many opinions on military life as I can find. Any thoughts from people who have either served or have people close to them who have served would be appreciated.
Nope, as a type I diabetic, could not serve, although it did not stop the recruiters from calling me 3 times a day for months. I scored in the top 2% on the ASVAB we had to take in HS, so they wet their pants trying to get me. I told them time and again that I was diabetic but they must not have told their buddies.

Three of my brothers served though, none during war time. Oldest brother was a 2nd LT in Army, next oldest was 1st LT in Air Force and then walked on for Bryant at Bama, next oldest was 1st LT in Army and stationed with my oldest in Germany. Oldest refused to salute the younger, higher ranked brother. There is a reason he never progressed past 2nd LT. The brother that is closest to my age, he is the only brother to do neither college(4 out of 5 of us) or military(3/5) but has been a hard worker his entire life.
It's a very confining existence, the pays not great, the benefits a being whittled away and your superior officer may be the biggest ass in the world but there's nothing you can do about it. The political bullshit is at least as bad as on the outside, and if somebody in your chain of command is pissed then your career can be fucked. And they can tell you where to go, literally, and you have to go there.

But yeah, it's pretty cool being able to say you're a vet.

U.S. Army 1975-1978
You're welcome. I'm glad you feel served by my service in the Danish military.

Seriously, though, all the people I knew in the military pretty much described it as getting to live in and visit some pretty nice places and everybody doing a metric ton of drugs and prostitutes.

But they were all in it before the post 2001 Middle Eastern dustup, so I imagine camping in a Muslim desert is not nearly as fun as Europe in the 70s and 80s.
If you're JAG, most of your cases are gonna be cool. The Military has a system set up where only people facing hard time generally go to trial. No petty shit to deal with.

If it helps repay student loans, it might be worth it. If you want to retire early, it probably isn't.
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