Animated GIFs @


I posted a while back about trying to get some ideas on how I could use my domain

For the time being, or until I come up with a better idea, I just decided to post GIFs from the first couple of games this season so I figured I'd share with everyone. I'd still love to hear some ideas on what kind of website I could build for this domain so don't hesitate to post them.

One idea that keeps sticking in my mind is a curated list of Alabama Football news and information from good, relevant sources. So instead of having to check multiple websites and/or multiple twitter accounts it would be somewhat of your one-stop place for up-to-date news and information in regards to the TIDE.

With this I also considered having reddit-esque upvoting, but I've yet to think of a way to filter out the "bad" content. For example, I would definitely want to include relevant Twitter accounts, but I'm not sure how to, or if it's even possible, to filter out tweets that aren't important or completely irrelevant to the Tide.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling. Here's the link to view a couple of the GIFs I have from this season - I also included an email you could use if you'd like to submit a GIF(s) or if you'd like to request for me to make a GIF to be added to the site.

Enjoy, Roll Tide, and Godspeed.
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