| CURRENT EVENTS And people wonder why they say the media is fake news. No one checks anything anymore! Not even basic math.

I don’t really get where you’re headed with this post.

I gotcha. Someone tweeted that, basically, the $500 million that Bloomberg spent could have given every person in America $1 million each. That is completely and utterly impossible as the population of the US is way more than 500 people. Then some reporters went on the news talking about it and agreed that the person was right in their math. So fake news.
makes perfect liberal logic. One of those gotcha moments. How about him paying $500,000,000 for 5 delegates from samoa He could buy the whole island chain for that :ROFLMAO:
Ahhhhhh......I didn’t watch the clip

I'm no mathematician ...I'm thinking we're talking about a small difference in the two numbers...1 million per person versus what, $1.50 something per person?
@TerryP, @planomateo, Hey guys, I am also an idiot. I have made a very similar math mistake over in another thread. In Our Life(s). my post number 204 in Trump vs the Democrats. I have been looking but have not found a way to delete the text off that post or just to delete the whole post. Is it even possible to delete it? My math skills are terribly lacking and not logical at all. Thanks for any help.
@TerryP, @planomateo, Hey guys, I am also an idiot. I have made a very similar math mistake over in another thread. In Our Life(s). my post number 204 in Trump vs the Democrats. I have been looking but have not found a way to delete the text off that post or just to delete the whole post. Is it even possible to delete it? My math skills are terribly lacking and not logical at all. Thanks for any help.

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