šŸˆ All of these Birmingham area sports talk shows suck


Verified Member
Yesterday, I decided to turn off my satellite radio for the firs time in a while and listen to our local Sports wanna-be, Finebaum. You all know him and love him, right :D ?

Anyway, I turned it back off about as fast as I turned it on. The fixation by Auburn fans on Alabama is really gross. I mean, worry about your own team! All of the callers had the same fire and brimstone to spew. Namely, that all the "Alabama fans they knew" were too excited and "talking about National Championships". This morning, I got in my wife's car, who listens to the same channel during the evening hours because it switches over to soft pop music and it was Del Greco and Curry, and GASP, even Jay Barker taking the same calls from the same people. One guy even called in and purported himself to be a Bama fan, and called upon his fellow fans to "stop talking about 12-0 when we are only 1-0". I wanted to call in and tell them that apparently they hang around a bunch of dilisional people because the Tide fans I hang with are all very reasonable and understand that Clemson was blown out, and then subsequently quit. Bama is neither a NC contender, nor are we the same team we were 1 year ago, or even under Shula. We have improved, and that's what we expected, and what we SHOULD expect.

All of these other schools can water down their expectations to .500 season for their own teams if they like. While I don't believe Bama is "going all the way", I expect to WIN EACH AND EVERY GAME. I'm sorry about that. Winning was a habit we had at Alabama for a long time, and it's coming back. But it doesn't come back over night.

Long and short: Don't listen to sports talk radio in Birmingham right now unless you want to hear the bitter and angry who realize that they can't jump off the Auburn bandwagon now that Bama's is rolling again.
I couldn't agree more!!
I want to know where these Alabam fans are too.
All of my friends agree that this was one game and we have all seen this before (Tennessee last year), and then fall flat on our faces.
I hope to win against GA, but I'm not counting on it.
Not yet anyway........
And the other thing I'm tired of hearing is that we live in the past. The one I hear bringing up the past is Auburn and Tennessee fan
I will listen to Finebaum on certain days. I always enjoy hearing interviews with Dye, Oliver, and Stallings. But outside of that I listen to AM690. D and B radio is way better a program. I listen to the Tusk heading out of Tuscaloosa, but as soon as I can pick up D and B I listen to them.
rammerjammer said:
I will listen to Finebaum on certain days. I always enjoy hearing interviews with Dye, Oliver, and Stallings. But outside of that I listen to AM690. D and B radio is way better a program. I listen to the Tusk heading out of Tuscaloosa, but as soon as I can pick up D and B I listen to them.
can you pick up that station in the Alabaster/Calera area?
AM 690 shouldn't be a problem in Alabaster. Not sure about Calera, but that is 15 miles further south.

I check Finebaum's guest list to decide whether I listen or not. Most of the callers are idiots, but he can attract some interesting guests. Besides, Cecil is on with Pondscum fairly often.
I listen to Finebaum, but I really prefer Sportsline with John Longshore and Barry McKnight out of Montgomery. It's a morning show and although they do have some rediculous callers, not nearly the asshats that call Pauls show.
Million Dollar you can pick them up in Calera. My truck/car radio picks them up fine, but the radio in the house didn't do all that good when I lived down there. Depends on your radio, but I can usually pick them up all the way down into Tuscaloosa right at Coaling. (exit 79 on I-20)
The timing of this thread couldn't come at a more ironic time!!!

I just got back to the house from work today. Turned on the TV to look and see what the latest was on the storms heading toward the East Coast and was inundated with political talk.

Geez, I can't tell you how tired I am of that!!!

So, considering in the past Mike Tirico and Scott Van Pelt have done a pretty decent job on talking sports. They aren't over the top, although Cowherd and others don't get on my nerves because I take them for what they are, and sure as hell Tirico is talking about what?

You guessed it! Politics and how Palin did well last night because she was a former sportscaster. WTF does that have to do with sports?!?!?

Exiled, you bring up a great point here.

One guy even called in and purported himself to be a Bama fan, and called upon his fellow fans to "stop talking about 12-0 when we are only 1-0". I wanted to call in and tell them that apparently they hang around a bunch of dilisional people because the Tide fans I hang with are all very reasonable and understand that Clemson was blown out, and then subsequently quit.

While I don't agree with some fans that look at the possibility of being undefeated, at the possibility of a BCS game, etc., it isn't my place to tell them to chill out.

Let them enjoy their optimism. I don't agree with it...but there is no reason for me to dump on their hopes or dreams just because they have them.

I do mention things in conversations here that go against some of the very optimistic thoughts...like as good as Cody is, his first real test is going to be against Luigs when we play Arkansas. But, I'll never be found saying he isn't a great player and great addition to our season.

Playing Tulane and W. Kentucky the next two weeks won't provide much content for radio shows.

But, in 3 weeks, I'll be looking for stations that carry sports radio shows in Arkansas just to hear what they have to say. Frankly, it's far more entertaining.
PORTER: Thanks for that link dude. That station is one more of the many reasons why I should have never left Tuscaloosa. Instead of graduating in 98, I should be graduating in '08. 10 more years!!!! 10 more years!!

Finebaum is really the worst of them in Bham, but the morning guys on JOX really pissed me off this morning when Tony Curry made the remark that "the only thing that will cure over over-exuberance is losing". Maybe that will work for Auburn, but at Alabama, we actually know what a championship looks like.
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