All Auburn University employees are required to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 8 or face termination.

There will be a new collection of Lawyers like Ambulance Chasers to fight this. We have had several briefings about get vaxed or get axed. I am fully vaccinated due to family reasons but I know quite a few that are fighting this thing to the end even if they will eventually lose their jobs. It is going to be an interesting story to follow. As a disclaimer....I respect those that do and those that stand and choose not to.
There will be a new collection of Lawyers like Ambulance Chasers to fight this. We have had several briefings about get vaxed or get axed. I am fully vaccinated due to family reasons but I know quite a few that are fighting this thing to the end even if they will eventually lose their jobs. It is going to be an interesting story to follow. As a disclaimer....I respect those that do and those that stand and choose not to.

Shenara is licking his chops.
Federal mandates. All contractors and subcontractors are required to have all employees vaccinated by 12/8 or lose future contracts. Most major universities are going to have to do it. There is no exception for having previously had Covid or allowance for testing. Except very certain circumstances that allow for an exemption the shot is the only way to be in compliance. Lawsuits won't work here because they are free to not comply and simply give up all future contracts and lose all current ones at renewal.
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Federal mandates. All contractors and subcontractors are required to have all employees vaccinated by 12/8 or lose future contracts. Most major universities are going to have to do it. There is no exception for having previously had Covid or allowance for testing. Except very certain circumstances that allow for an exemption the shot is the only way to be in compliance. Lawsuits won't work here because they are free to not comply and simply give up all future contracts and lose all current ones at renewal.
Some are looking for all kinds of exceptions at this point.
Federal mandates. All contractors and subcontractors are required to have all employees vaccinated by 12/8 or lose future contracts. Most major universities are going to have to do it. There is no exception for having previously had Covid or allowance for testing. Except very certain circumstances that allow for an exemption the shot is the only way to be in compliance. Lawsuits won't work here because they are free to not comply and simply give up all future contracts and lose all current ones at renewal.


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There will be a new collection of Lawyers like Ambulance Chasers to fight this. We have had several briefings about get vaxed or get axed. I am fully vaccinated due to family reasons but I know quite a few that are fighting this thing to the end even if they will eventually lose their jobs. It is going to be an interesting story to follow. As a disclaimer....I respect those that do and those that stand and choose not to.
As soon as the Oxford, Al. VA clinic get my paperwork approved. I will be too. I got my first on March 8th. But got hit by the covid and pneumonia That first shot was in Tuskegee VA. It the same with me with our youngest G.G. daughter. But the wife will not unless she is force too take it.
Do y’all remember the government wholesale ruining livelihoods and lives over any other vax, ever? Does anyone feel like goose stepping over another personal decision, if so which? Who determines? Using the prevailing logic everyone should have all of their previous vax from childhood as boosters every year.
There are no legal mandates. End of story. Change a law make it legal…it remains immoral. Manufacturers have no liability for vax, drs no liability, going to be no osha requirements for reporting adverse reactions. The test mouse is solely responsible. Such an awesome life saving cocktail that you will be ground into street pizza if you don’t take it.
We’ve got a mandatory date in late November. Already had a number of older folks turn in their retirement papers for that date. Hate to lose some of them but the attrition is good for the company in some areas. A lot of them have worked well past retirement and locked up positions that have limited promotion opportunities for less senior folks. I hate the mandates. But I try to find a silver lining.
We’ve got a mandatory date in late November. Already had a number of older folks turn in their retirement papers for that date. Hate to lose some of them but the attrition is good for the company in some areas. A lot of them have worked well past retirement and locked up positions that have limited promotion opportunities for less senior folks. I hate the mandates. But I try to find a silver lining.

This is what is sad. Good people losing jobs or walking off their job. If more people were like the NY firefighters and SouthWest Pilots, we would be a lot better off. We all need to support one another if we want to get vaccinated or NOT get vaccinated, for a virus that has a 97% survival rate. The MSM and politicians want to keep us arguing with one another over vaccine vs not vaccine as opposed to the fact that this freedom vs tyranny. It is way bigger than vaccine mandates. We are a hop, skip, and jump away from full on 1939 Germany. Australia and New Zealand already require "papers".....vaccine passports to go out in public.
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