| NEWS Alabama football needs a cold, hard slap in the face - Joseph Goodman, AL.com

@TerryP @TUSKtimes
I ... for one... have rewatched the game. Painfully..... and have seen every 2018 bama game.... and brothers... i just don't know who the guys in red were.... is that an excuse or a fact

They were out of character for sure. Mostly for me, it was a historically poor defense for us with a spread RPO game that wouldn't let us play enough bully ball to crack the red-zone.

Clemson got their azz handed to them last season against us in the sugarbowl. We were just a better defensive team. In the rematch, they were much the better defensive team.
@TerryP still deflecting about coach Saban as he makes his football rounds deflecting about the tiger loss. Whatever gets you through the off-season.
Still rewriting history, remaining blind to the obvious...

How is answering a direct question deflecting? It's not. No matter how often, or how hard you try, it's still the same. An answer to a question.

What part of this do you not understand?
They were out of character for sure. Mostly for me, it was a historically poor defense for us with a spread RPO game that wouldn't let us play enough bully ball to crack the red-zone.

Clemson got their azz handed to them last season against us in the sugarbowl. We were just a better defensive team. In the rematch, they were much the better defensive team.
Most are forgetting the previous Bama-Clemson game that was as much a domination asthe last..(except by the other team).. more what you have done lately....and to be said to unseating NS....lol
This is pure trolling trash...

CNS can be quoted & played on video several times after the Championship game that it was HIS fault for how the team played. AND he said that we have to give Clemson credit.

And he said the same thing during SEC media days.

But when he is asked what he thinks may be the the issue why we played poorly & gives some perspectives, the take is to ridicule him for not saying that it was all Clemson & there was nothing we could do about it.

Daaaang, some feistyness in this thread... I like it!

I get what Tusk is saying - Read this book called extreme ownership... Basically says anything that goes wrong falls on the leader.

I also understand what Terry is saying... CNS doing his best to actually explain what went wrong... While I believe still taking ownership of those wrongs.

Let's just hope his new hires are capable of staying focused until the end. I know that almost all year we were all pretty damn happy with the O production, but it ain't how you start it's how you finish. Some of us were a weary of the D from the jump and it turned out for good reason... They had moments, but sure as hell not in the last game.

I've said it many times before, but CNS and Alabama are now in that rare air where 75% of the season is not as meaningful anymore... The 3-4 games that are losable vs like talent define the season, off season, and pre season now a days. He's a product of his own success... But it could be worse, last I checked he's gettin' paaaaaiiiiid.

Here's to finishing strong next season!!! RTR
I would agree that coach Saban loves getting into the meaty stuff of college football. You seldom hear Coach dabble in much coach- speak at these events. I wish he felt the same way when asked about injuries and the depth rep chart. I guess he gets to what he wants to get to.

I think the 2 most unfortunate aspects of this to me is the way it always feeds the beast. Which is precisely why he curtails many other forms of communication during the season. And also he doesn't have to send a message to his team via SEC media days. His players are parroting the same rhetoric now and it doesn't sound near as eloquent. Specifics should be left on the practice field for my money. Fix what needs to be fixed and keep stonewalling all the other stuff. It's not like coach doesn't have that part down to an art form anyway.
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