I read and have heard a bunch of rumors/reports about violence to personal property after LSU/AU 2008 so I thought I'd relay this story and ask a question to all the Crimson Fans.
I have a friend who lives near Baton Rouge. He is a gentlemen but he is not a guy I'd describe as soft. He enjoys driving in to see the Tigers play and usually goes alone because his girlie hates football. (I find this funny) Thats the way he is and the way she is and she has a brother who recently retired from teaching at Notre Dame. (well thats bad - but not really/ N.D. = uck!)
Anyway on with the story:
He was sort of miffed because in 2003 LSU/AU was at T.S. late in the season and he went to the game. (alone as usual & he doesn't drink much except for a few Heinekins....He never get sloppy drunk or starts trouble))
So he takes his girlies Mercedez Benz (with her permission) and again, he's a nice guy, and always parks the car on campus but away from any tailgaters or trouble makers. (thats the way he tells it)
This car is not brand new but it is a beautiful benz. Midnight Blue with tan leather interior.
He had a small window LSU flag flying and left it up when he went into the game.
You guessed it he said "I did not speak to anyone going into the game. Not even any Tiger folks." (his usual style)
When he got back from the game some BARNERS had keyed his benz and written A.U. on his drivers side door. Again this was 2003!! So I do not know whats going on between these two schools but I know this guy and he is honest. What AU did that night was wrong IMO!
My question is: have any Alabama personnel had any incidents like this happen to them by AU fans? :roll:
cost him 2 grand to fix. :roll:
I have a friend who lives near Baton Rouge. He is a gentlemen but he is not a guy I'd describe as soft. He enjoys driving in to see the Tigers play and usually goes alone because his girlie hates football. (I find this funny) Thats the way he is and the way she is and she has a brother who recently retired from teaching at Notre Dame. (well thats bad - but not really/ N.D. = uck!)
Anyway on with the story:
He was sort of miffed because in 2003 LSU/AU was at T.S. late in the season and he went to the game. (alone as usual & he doesn't drink much except for a few Heinekins....He never get sloppy drunk or starts trouble))
So he takes his girlies Mercedez Benz (with her permission) and again, he's a nice guy, and always parks the car on campus but away from any tailgaters or trouble makers. (thats the way he tells it)
This car is not brand new but it is a beautiful benz. Midnight Blue with tan leather interior.
He had a small window LSU flag flying and left it up when he went into the game.
You guessed it he said "I did not speak to anyone going into the game. Not even any Tiger folks." (his usual style)
When he got back from the game some BARNERS had keyed his benz and written A.U. on his drivers side door. Again this was 2003!! So I do not know whats going on between these two schools but I know this guy and he is honest. What AU did that night was wrong IMO!
My question is: have any Alabama personnel had any incidents like this happen to them by AU fans? :roll:
cost him 2 grand to fix. :roll: