| CURRENT EVENTS PayPay re-institutes policy of fining people for misinformation

PayPay has a policy of fining users $2500 for spreading misinformation. Earlier this year they partnered with the ADL for reasons known only to them. If you maintain an account with them that has money in it you will be fined if they find your social media distasteful.

They can't fine you for disinformation on Facebook or Twitter under this, except if you also are utilizing PayPal to gather donations or payment on those same platforms. This is directed at blogs who have PayPal links on them. Not to say I agree with it or it is kosher at all.

EDIT: The main reason to not have money on PayPal is that they will close your account without warning and refuse to give you any money in it without you suing in court.

EDIT: This also is very plain that your have to sell items that violate it, not just post info. "If you are a seller and receive funds for transactions that violate the Acceptable Use Policy, then in addition to being subject to the above actions you will be liable to PayPal for the amount of PayPal’s damages caused by your violation of the Acceptable Use Policy." Shitty, but not at all what they are saying. Maybe if you are selling anti-covid vitamins.
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